The Dance (Mori x Female!Reader)

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The host club was never your idea of a good time. Who wanted to spend time fawning over guys for a chance at a feeling of fake and fleeting romance? No thank you.

Regardless, for whatever reason, your friends were obsessed with going and they were determined to drag you along. Much to their disappointment, you kept refusing or making excuses to go home and study rather that join them.

"Come on (y/n), I bet you'd love Mori. He's a lot like you, strong and silent." They begged. You raised an eyebrow, there was a host similar to you?

You still refused but that moment of hesitation was all your friends needed to grab you by each arm and start dragging you down the hall. Despite your struggling, they didn't let go so you had to just go along with them.

Upon arriving at the host club, and opening the doors, you couldn't help but notice the flower petals that seemed to come out of nowhere and drift out towards your group.

"Welcome!" A group of voices said. It took a minute for your eyes to adjust to the light of the room and for them to rest upon the group of guys waiting inside. It appeared you were one of the first to arrive so the blond strolled towards you.

"I don't believe I've seem you here before. I am this clubs king, Tamaki. And who might you be?" You could see one of the other boys, Haruhi if you remembered correctly, roll his eyes at the mention of "king". Then your attention was stolen by Tamaki grabbing your hand and kissing the back.

As your heart raced, you reminded yourself that is was all for show. Following Haruhi's lead, you yourself rolled your eyes at Tamaki as you pulled your hand from his.

"This is our friend (y/n)! We had to drag her along so don't mind if she's a little grouchy." You sent your friend a death glare but she didn't seem to notice and just kept going on and on to Tamaki about you and how they managed to drag you through the halls.

"...and so we thought that since she's kind of silent that she'd like Mori. Can we all request him today?" She finished.

"Of course you can lovely dove." She blushed and giggled a little at the nickname then grabbed your arm once more and led you and the other to where Mori stood. He wasn't much taller than yourself but you couldn't deny he was pretty handsome and mysterious.

"Right this way." His deep voice surprised you a little and you could feel your heart start to beat a bit faster again. You tried telling yourself it was noting and a show for fangirls but it help slow your heart. You followed Mori and your group to a nearby table. You sighed as you noticed that they purposely left the seat right next to Mori open for you. You looked at your friend again with a raised eyebrow and she just winked at you and motioned for you to sit.

As the evening progressed, you found that you actually grew to enjoy yourself, although you'd never admit it to the others. At one point, Honey popped over with cake and wanted to share it with everyone and you were charmed by how well Mori took care of him. It was pretty cute.

When it was time to go, you felt a little disappointed but there was also a small part of you that was relieved. You weren't used to getting attention for that length of time. When the doors to the Host club closed behind you, your friend turned to you.

"So what'd you think? Isn't he dreamy?"

"I still think Tamaki is the dreamiest." Another chimed it.

"Well, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting but I don't know if I'll go back." They stared at you mischievously. In that instant, you knew that whether you wanted to or not, they were going to drag you back. And surprisingly, you were okay with that.


As predicted, they continuously dragged you back to the Host Club. Although as time went on, they didn't have to drag you and sometimes, you were even the first of your group there. You never talked a whole lot during your visits though, you were more comfortable with small talk or silence. Either that or you simply listened as your friends did all the talking.

You became aware of a special event being hosted by the club coming up. One where you'd have to dress up nicely, be social and dance. None of which interested you in the slightest so you ignored it.

Despite that, on the night of the event, you opened your door to find all your friends dressed in fancy dresses with another one for you. They wouldn't take no for an answer so you eventually just gave in and put on the dress.

As you stared in the mirror, you could hardly recognize yourself. The girl in the mirror was so girly and looked like a woman from high society going for a night on the town. As you turned to examine the back, you noticed that you were actually smiling and enjoying the idea of going. What had happened to the girl who used to quietly sit off to the side and avoid any form of social interaction? You weren't sure but you were excited to try and break out of your shell a little more.


You got to the party and gasped, the whole set up was beautiful. Everything from the decorations to the outfits, including those of the boys from the host club, were pure perfection.

"If I could have your attention ladies and gentlemen." You looked around and spotted Tamaki standing on a grand staircase. "Thank you all for joining us tonight. It is now time for our auction. Those of you who win will get a special dance with the host of your choice." You could hear squealing and excitement from all the girls around you.

They started by auctioning off a dance with "the king" himself and your jaw dropped at how expensive the bidding got. Next was Kyoya, then each twin. Then came Mori. Your heart raced as you saw him, he was even more handsome than normal (you didn't know it was even possible).

Your friends noticed your expression and started giggling. Then before you knew it, they were joining in on the bidding war.

"What are you doing? This is a total waste of money." They looked at each other then you.

"This is the first time we've ever seen you lovestruck (y/n)." You tried to protest but they shut you up. "We can't let an opportunity like this pass. Just let us do this for you."

You couldn't believe they cared that much. You had known them for a long time but for whatever reason, you'd just never noticed how much they wanted to help and to see you happy.

They won the bid and before you knew it, the special dance was about to begin.

"Our next special dance goes to Mori and (y/n)!"

You felt more nervous than you had ever felt before as you walked awkwardly to the dance floor. Several girls glared at you as you passed, obviously wishing they were in your place but you just tried to ignore them.

"Good evening (y/n). You look beautiful." You blushed and your face heated even more when the music started and he wrapped his arms around you. You quickly put your arms around him and began to dance with him across the ballroom floor.

Before long, the rest of the room and all the envious girls simply melted away until the world was occupied by only Mori and you. All the walls you normally kept between you and other people seemed to go along with them, letting you melt happily into Mori's arms.

You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but you had a feeling he was enjoying it too. Especially when you looked into his eyes and saw the smile upon his face.

Before long, you knew the music was drawing to an end but you wished for this moment to never end. You had never once felt like you could let your guard down around anyone nor feel safe in another's arms.

You swore to yourself in that instant, that no matter what, that Mori was going to be yours.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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