Dead Inside (Tamaki x Male!Reader)

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Your step-father had never liked you. He had constantly abused you as you grew up and he wasn't the only one. Your mother was also abusive. When she gave birth to you at the age of 15, she started blaming you for all of her problems.

She eventually married your rich step-father but the neglect and blame only worsened. Since your mother often left without notice for weeks at a time, your step-father would practically lock you in your room.

These vacancies became longer and longer until one day she simply disappeared with your half-sister. You were happy to see them go. Your younger half-sister hadn't done anything to help your situation. Since she was perfect in every way, your parents made you feel bad about it all the time.

Because of all of the abuse, you became shy and introverted. Your few friends stopped talking to you and you became a loner.

~End Backstory~

Now you were in high school. Your step-father was a little better now. You were to be his successor in the business and he spent some time teaching you the ins and outs.

Other than that, he ignored you. You were fine with that because it meant that he didn't beat you nearly as much. He still didn't want to spend money on you though so in order to get into Ouran Academy, you had to get scholarships, which you easily won.

When school started it was pretty uneventful. For the first few weeks, you kept to yourself and studied. That was it. You didn't make any friends and didn't have anything else to occupy your time. At least until the bullying started.

It started when a professor called on you in class. Your voice was quiet and shook but you got the right answer and before you knew it you were sitting at your desk again. It couldn't have lasted more than a minute but it was long enough to draw attention to yourself. Some guys in the middle of the class had noticed you, and not in a good way.

"Nerd." One whispered as you passed.

"Loser." The other muttered.

That was only the beginning. As the days and weeks passed, their taunting grew worse and worse. Eventually it escalated to physical violence. You were attacked it the halls and the classrooms alike.

You tended to keep your head down to avoid eye contact when walking between your classes and built an invisible wall around you to keep everyone away. On top of everything, your home life wasn't getting any better either. You felt dead inside and didn't know how much longer you could stand it.

One day as you were walking towards the front door to head home, you bumped into someone. Your books scattered and you were frozen in fear. Did I just run into one of them?

You forced your limbs to move and began to make a dash down the hall. You didn't care if your books were stolen or ruined, you simply wanted to avoid your tormentors.

"Hey, come back! You forgot your books." You heard a boy shout after you.

Wait, that doesn't sound like either of their voices. You slowly turned to see a blonde boy about your age smiling at you and waving his arm in the air. Cautiously you made your way towards him.

By the time you reached him, he had scooped up your things and was holding them out towards you. "I'm sorry I ran into you. I wasn't watching where I was going." He smiled at you but something seemed to catch him off guard. "Follow me."

He grabbed your arm and pulled you down the hall. You managed to keep a grip on your things and tried to struggle out of his grasp. Oblivious to your protests, he continued to pull on your arm.

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