Chapter 27

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Authors note: new chapter!! :D things are about to get hectic. Now, considering a new book but I want feedback. Would you guys like a sequel to Secrecy Mine? (Still working on the sequel idea. If you have any thoughts let me know and I'll consider it! Or would you like a completely new sexy themed story like Foreign Tides? Comment below!
-Xoxo, happy readings!

"Either I'm losing my spot as Ephraim's favorite, or I am so his favorite that he's making me look after you."

I rolled my eyes at John, we were currently watching Die Hard in the media room, but we both got hungry and John was too lazy to stand up and make popcorn in the snack area. I was popping them in the machine and grabbing chocolate from the stand, this was a really cool room.

"I'm not fond of having a babysitter either." I teased and received a playful glare back. I giggled and filled a bag with popcorn then headed to my seat. "On a serious note though, I like being around you. We have fun, right?" I handed him the popcorn and watched him grin.

"We're Bonnie and Clyde." He said proudly then paused, "not in that way, don't tell Ephraim I said that." I laughed at his worried face, God, Ephraim could be jealous sometimes.

"Well let's get back to our Die Hard marathon, hm?" John stuffed his mouth with popcorn and sipped his coke while I played the movie and chewed on my chocolate, we were just at the climax of the movie when a yell came from outside but was caught off. I glanced but waved it off, these men could be rowdy when they needed to be. We heard several thumps on the upper floor and John narrowed his eyes at the ceiling as I paused the movie, right when I did three deliberate random shots were heard and John quickly hopped onto his feet. The popcorn spilled as John pulled out his gun and we both took cover in the movie seats.

"What the hell was that?" I asked in alarm and John shook his head in confusion.

"I don't know. Stay here, I'm going to check the hall." He headed through the aisle then double thinker it and came back pulling another gun from his holster. "Safety is off, aim at the chest or legs to slow them down. I'll signal you to follow." I nodded and held the gun tightly as I watched him cover at the doors and peek outside to both halls. He cursed and signaled for me to follow, I ran silently towards him and looked at his worried face.

"What? What's wrong?" His face tightened and he took his phone out, dialing Ephraim's number but the signal was being cut off.

"Cazzo, fück." He hissed out and tucked his phone away. "They're scrambling the signal, I can't get a direct call. Where the hell is Victor?? He should be on this." I pulled out my phone and narrowed my eyes at John. "Get on your phone, text Ephraim now. We have intruders."

I quickly grabbed my phone and began texting Ephraim. "S.O.S. They're shooting in the estate. Intruders." I sent it and was relieved when the text went through. "It's sent."

"We got to move, get to the safe house. Now. Come on." We stepped foot outside and made our way down the left of the hall, I gripped the gun and breathed in deeply as we heard two shots on the main floor. John stopped and held me to him while we made our way to the open living room, three guys were down and the patch of familiar brown hair made me gasp. Victor was down.

"Oh my god. " I said and sprinted to Victor as John tailed me and knelt to the ground, we flipped him into his back in fear and gasped when Victor groaned in pain. I sighed as he held the wound, he had been shot in the stomach. "Victor what happened?" I asked and took in the dead men around us, John was keeping an eye out on the hall and trying to help Victor up.

"Cazzo. Kevin and Alex are down." He sighed and looked at Vic. "Can you walk?" He asked and Victor grunted when we propped his weight onto both of us. I helped keep his wound with pressure. "Where's Jane?"

When he asked a door opened to my right and I aimed the gun in alarm as a paled Jane hurried out.

"Told you to get your gun." Vic reprimanded her as she hurried to his aid. "Fück-" we covered Boctors mouth as Jane applied a tighter pressure on him.

"He needs a medic, now." She said lowly as we helped him up.

"The little shït had a tracker in his belt," Victor breathed out in pain. "once I found it I ran up to warn you guys." He breathed in harshly, trying to keep up with us as we turned to the main entrance, we were headed for the garage. "Four guys came by while I recruited those two guys back there," he shook his head. "They got killed, we got the guys though. Took a damn bullet when I saw who they were working for. John, it -."

A thud was heard down the hall across from us and I tensed along with Jane and Victor as John aimed at the hall.

"Jane, take Victor and Marina to the cars and get out of here. Get them to safety. I'll distract him. "Jane nodded and went to the keypad that led to the garage while John left towards the main entrance. Jane was hurrying down the garage to a black car. She was helping Victor inside while I snuck out and followed John, he turned in alarm and aimed the gun at me.

"Cazzo! Marina, go!" He hissed and pushed me back.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone. We're all leaving together. Come on."

John cursed, he shook his head about to say something when he turned in time to see Peter strolling to us with blood on his dirty clothes. Peter was aiming at us as I pulled my gun up as well walking back with John.

Peter laughed, "you really think I'm stupid huh? That I wouldn't get out of it!" His hands trembled as he aimed the gun, John kept pushing me behind him but I refused as Peter seemed mentally unstable. He clicked his gun and right when he was about to pull the trigger, a shot rang behind him and Peter fell to the ground face first, his head bleeding.

John didn't hesitate to keep his gun up as a new stranger stood in the shadows behind where Peter had been standing.

The man had his gun propped up as he walked towards us and his features came to light, he was wearing a suit and had speckles of blood on it, he was handsome yet nothing compared to Ephraim, but he did have that menacing aura from him. John tensed as he quickly pushed me behind him and the gun followed his move.

"You must be Marina." The strangers low voice said. I didn't even have time to react as John was shot point blank, a grunt escaping him as he buckled over and fell on his chest. He didn't move and I was shocked, but not shocked enough to instinctively react. As John didn't move and the stranger stepped forward, I shot him. The man cursed as I shot him near the chest, making him stumble back, but my focus returned to an unmoving John bleeding and in that moment of hesitation to help him something struck my arm.

I turn in pain and see a dart sticking to my arm, my eyes widen in fright when I can't feel my limbs. "Shït." My body went rigid and I fell in my side, expensive leather shoes walked up next to me. I fight to keep my eyes open that I barely catch the different kind of gun on his other hand; a fücking dart gun.

"I underestimated Ephraim's taste." He says as my eyes all of sudden feel heavy and the darkness consumes me.

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