First Time

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Rachel POV
I was feeling so mad and sad after pucks little performance. I mean don't get me wrong my guilty pleasure is performing, but now I have to perform in front of an actual audience because of him. Great just great. And he totally blew me off today, so here i am sitting home alone once again. You know sometimes I don't think puck cares about my feelings.

Ding dong

That's weird I didn't invite anyone over today.

I open my front food to see the jolly green giant on my front step with wine coolers. Ugh. I walk inside leaving the door open so he can come in.

"What are you doing here Finn, shouldn't you be out with some slut"

Truth be told I've always had a little crush on Finn. But the school wanted head Cheerio to date the running back, not the quarterback. I know weird.

"I came to see you, puck told me he was busy" Finn said walking in

I started crying. If he's not with Finn, then what the hell is he doing!?? Probably getting laid because I'm such an ugly prude! Oh gosh I hate myself. As I'm crying Finn walks over to me and sits me on the couch.

"Here have a drink" he says calmly trying to make me stop

I drink it

"Now, tell me what's wrong?"

Three drinks later

Finn and I were making out on my bed. I honestly don't even know how that happen. I just know I don't care. It was getting a little more heated when I push him away.

"I can't do this," I say
"Yes you can, here have another wine cooler" he said
"I'm president of the celibacy club, I took a vow" I reason
"So did kitty and Bree and I did them" Finn replies
"What about puck, he's your best friend" I say still unsure
"Come on we're in high school do you think any one of us is going to give a damn in three years" Finn asks
"Ok but you can't tell anyone I'll loose my rep" I said as Finn kissed me and in between he said
"Our secret baby"
"Wait what about protection?" I pull away
"Trust me I got it, this is more than just a hookup for me" he says looking at me
Then he starts kissing my neck
"Tell me one more time" I whisper
"You're not fat" he whispers back
It feels so good to be with Finn like this. I can't believe I'm doing this. I am a little drunk but not so much that I won't remember this. I'm fine, I mean what's the worse that can happen?

Next week


I look down and see


Oh no, what have I done

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