We Lost but We Didn't Lose

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Last week of sophomore
Rachel POV
It wasn't till that night that Santana and Shelby visited me that I found out we lost regionals. Which meant glee club would be cut. I was so sad. Glee club was there for me when I was pregnant and by the end of this week it'll be gone. Sue got exactly what she wanted. I can't look at the negative. After all I did just have a baby. Shelby made it easier for me too

Flashback to Rachel's afterbirth
I was looking at Beth with Finn when Shelby showed up next to us.

"Which one is she?" She asked searching

I just looked at her

"What are you doing here?" I ask

She completely ignored me

"Oh I see her, she looks like you, does she have a name?" she said smiling at my baby

Finn and I just stared at her.

"Beth" Finn and I said
"Pretty" Shelby smiled

When she was done, she turned to face me. Finn stood closely behind.

"Will told me how you were living with Santana, and how you were saving to get your own apartment" Shelby explained

I just looked at her. I can't tell Mr.Schue anything anymore!

"Well here's the key to your new apartment, I made sure it was near McKinley"  Shelby said showing me the key

I just stared at the key and then back at her with an open mouth. She bought me a house! I can't believe it, I thank her and then I hug her

"Thank you" I whisper as I hug her

She squeezes back

"You're welcome Rachel" she whispers back
End of flashback

So now I'm headed to our last glee rehearsal ever. Finn and I decided to bring Beth in, to show her where we sang and danced without being judged. Finn is showing her the football field, as if there wouldn't be time for that. Everyone kind of stares, but I don't care anymore. All that matters to me is my daughter. For now Finn and I are just going to be parents to Beth, then we'll figure out what's going on between us, but he's still going to love with his parents, I don't want him thinking he has to move in with me, plus I kind of just want to be on my own first.
Finn POV
Rachel didn't let me move in with her, even though I offered. She just said she wanted to be alone first, but I'm still needed in Beth's life. So I'm happy she wants us to be full time parents. I just hope she wants us to be together together. I have Beth with me, I'm showing her where I play football and where I first saw Rachel, everything. I know it's silly but I want to show her from an early age how she even came to be. It's almost time for the last glee club meeting ever! I'm meeting Rachel there. Santana absolutely loves Beth, she's practically the only person who doesn't have to suffer the wrath of snixx.
Rachel POV
I see Finn walk in with Beth and I go over to them and grab Beth. She's so small and cute. Santana has her bag, she loves Beth, which I  love. As I grabbed Beth I saw Quinn staring at Finn, strange. I don't make much of it because now I have Beth! As soon as Kurt squeals


Everyone turns and comes over to see Beth. Mercedes let's Beth pull at her finger, Britney makes funny faces, mike tickles her tummy, and even puck made an attempt. The only person hanging in the background was Quinn. She's getting weirder and weirder. After we all sat down, it really hit us that glee is over. We all just kind of sat there, except Santana, Kurt, Finn, and me who were playing with Beth. Mr.Schue walks in and sees Beth, he just smiles. Then he sits on the stool. I feel so bad he's probably taking it the hardest of all of us. Then we see him grin.

"We got another year" he says

Then he smiles real big as we take in the information

"Come onnn, we got another year!!!" He yells

We all get up and laugh and hug each other. I just hold Beth and smile at her, Finn does the same. Then Santana does the unthinkable, she hugs Mr. Shue. Then everyone joins in. Since I'm holding Beth I stay kind of behind. I still smile, as Beth shows me her first smile. I think I overreact a little

"Finn! Look! She smiled" I yelled

He rushes over and sees Beth grinning. He smirks real big too. Beth reaches out for his finger and he let's her take it. This is so adorable, but while everyone's hugging, from the corner of my eye I see Quinn staring at Finn and I. I wonder why she's been staring at us so much.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! My niece smiles for the first time and you don't tell me!?? Shame on you Frankenteen!!" I hear Santana yell as she rushes over to us.

Santana is literally in love with my child, and it is the most heartwarming thing ever. Soon Mr.Schue makes his way over as everyone surrounds Beth. I'm so happy Beth has so many people who are like uncles and aunts, and I at least know Kurt and Santana have declared themselves godparents, which I don't mind, as long as they love her unconditionally like I know Finn and I will always. This glee club is my family, and I'm so happy we get another year, I don't what I'd do without them.

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