Welcome Home

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"You're like my guardian angel aren't you?" Chanyeol's eyes glinted with happiness. His words stumped Minah, she could barely speak.

"Um-uh no, that's not it. I'm just a nursing student on my way home... And I really must be going." Minah spoke quickly; this guy really must have had some mental issues, she thought to herself. Chanyeol still beamed at her, "Oh, I see, come visit anytime then!" he waved at her as she found her way back up the hill. Minah scooped up her little device and waved a quick goodbye to the weird boy. As Minah walked away, she turned back to look at Chanyeol and realized he had moved to under the bridge that crossed over the river. She could faintly make out some sort of makeshift shelter and she stopped. I live here, she remembered Chanyeol had told her. He didn't actually live by the river, did he? Was he actually homeless like those boys said? Then how did he afford to go to college? Minah had so many questions, but before she knew it, she was sprinting back down towards the mysterious boy.

    "Aren't you going to go home?" Minah called out while catching her breath. Chanyeol turned around, "Oh Cheon-sa-sshi! (Ms. Angel) This is my home! Right here." he replied with a smile, and he patted a small inflated mattress. "This isn't a home... Where is your real home?" Minah inquired. Why was she even worried about this stranger? She had no clue, but something inside her really wanted to help him. "Where are your parents? Are you lost or have you run away for some reason?"

    "This is where I have lived since I turned 18, after I left the orphanage. In the day, I'm studying to be a chef at Han Bok Ja Cooking School and then I come back here." Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck, eyes shining.

    It was true after all, this strange boy was living under a bridge, and for nearly two years at that. She never noticed him because she rarely looked by the bridge, she just kept her eyes forward. "So you have no home?" "This is my home. For now anyways" Chanyeol laughed, clearly embarrassed. Minah stared at Chanyeol, the boy in front of her was mysterious and yet seemed even happier than she was, given his circumstances. Then something popped into her mind. "Chanyeol-sshi," Minah started, "Would you like to come back and live with me instead?"

    Chanyeol's eyes widened, "Live with you?" Minah nodded, "I own a boarding house just a little down the road and still have an extra room if you would like. Rent isn't expensive, I'm sure we can figure something out." The moment the last word came out of Minah's mouth, Chanyeol brought her into a tight hug. His long arms wrapped around her back. "I WOULD LOVE TO!" he laughed before letting go. Minah's face glowed a bright red after he let go and she readjusted her glasses. "Then p-pack anything you need a-and we can go home." she stuttered. His warmth was the only thing she could think about.

    On the way to the boarding house, Minah found that Chanyeol was a very open person. He told her all about his past, how he lost his parents to a car accident when he was ten, how he was bullied in the orphanage he grew up in because his hobby of cooking wasn't manly, and how he left the orphanage when he was eighteen to pursue a scholarship by participating in a competition. He won and that's when he started living under the bridge since he had no money for a living space. All throughout these stories, ones that would usually bring people to tears, Chanyeol only smiled with a gentle gaze. It made Minah so puzzled. "How are you not sad?" she asked, but realized her question was a bit rude. "Life moves on right? I have been sad for a long time, but no matter how sad I am, the world moves on. I just don't want to be left behind." Chanyeol responded happily. "I see. That's really interesting." Minah said. The rest of the trip was spent in silence, only the sound of their footsteps echoing along the pavement.

    When they finally arrived at the boarding house, Minah pointed at the large window on the second floor near the side of the house. "That's where your room will be." The house was a modern two story building with a little balcony on the top. A small garden lined the front and the warm light from inside illuminated the stone path that led out to the main road. There was no garage, so the home looked bright from all the windows bathed in warm light.

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