Wanting More

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"WAHHH!" Chanyeol exclaimed excitedly, "A shopping trip with Cheonsa-landlord!" Every step he took seemed like a skip, and it made Minah feel strange, but happy. There was not a day that Chanyeol didn't remind Minah about the shopping trip, and now it finally came. Minah watched Chanyeol eagerly scanning window displays and quietly put her earbuds in. She flipped through her phone and hummed along to the smooth ballad.

Chanyeol turned back, "Oh," he said examining the earbud, "What are you listening to?" Minah responded, "EXO, they are really talented." Minah didn't listen to music that much, but EXO played a special part in her heart.

"I know EXO! I see them on billboards all around the city; they're really popular huh? Though I've never listened to any of their songs... This sounds nice though!" Chanyeol nodded to the music, which is when Minah noticed the fact that he took one of her earbuds to listen. Minah took the other bud out and put it in Chanyeol's other ear. Music was always a better experience listening in both ears.

Suddenly Chanyeol zipped past and pointed at the large and flashy poster decorating the bus stop post. It was an advertisement for Lotte Choco Sticks featuring EXO. Minah instinctively attempted to take a photo because she didn't have this version in her collection yet, but soon realized Chanyeol still had her phone. Chanyeol looked at the poster, moving his head up and down to look closely at each member. When he got to the last one, he stopped and placed a finger on the paper face. "Who's this?"

Minah walked up, adjusted her big spectacles and smiled, "Park Jaeyeol, he's probably one of the most popular. He's really adorable and he can act too." Chanyeol kept looking, "Hmmm, he kind of looks like me... It's a bit weird." Right when Chanyeol finished his sentence, Minah squinted, "Hmm, I don't see it." Chanyeol shrugged and resumed listening to the music and tapping his fingers on his legs and smiling.

Minah saw the store coming up and took the chance to examine Chanyeol's body to estimate size and tried to imagine him wearing anything other than his usual grimy t-shirt. Chanyeol was tall and lanky, his big ears popping out on either side of an oval head. Others probably would have thought Chanyeol was some type of delinquent, but ever since Minah saw his gentle smile and sparkling eyes, she knew he was just a big teddybear. Minah smiled, and silently prayed that Chanyeol would find somebody who suited him soon, for she knew he was a good person. Minah trailed behind Chanyeol, scanning his faded grey t-shirt that had seen a fair share of rips and holes. She placed her fingers subconsciously in one of the holes and hooked her finger on. Chanyeol whipped back, startled by the tugging on his shirt and blushed, "Wah! Don't make the holes bigger!" Minah laughed and walked ahead. She took back her phone, and opened the door to the stylish boutique.

"What a cute little laugh..." Chanyeol said to himself. He shook his head and followed Minah in.

An assistant with heavy makeup and hair that sat stiff in a bun walked over, her smile faded into a frown at the moment she looked at the two of them. "Uh, hello."

Minah was used to this type of treatment and adjusted her glasses, "We're looking for a new wardrobe for this young man... Please show me your best wares." The assistant raised her eyebrow, "I'm sorry, we carry some high end merchandise here, I just don't want you to be disappointed, I think-" "I demand to see this so called high end merchandise." Minah said sternly. Chanyeol just stood wide eyed, captivated by his landlord.

"Tsk." The assistant clicked her tongue and led them to the side. She slyly pulled out a navy blue, wool patch pocket jacket and slipped it onto Chanyeol. When Chanyeol flashed her his smile and a thank you, the assistant became a bit flustered. This made Minah chuckle.

The jacket framed Chanyeol's tall frame nicely and Minah nodded, "This will be perfect for the upcoming winter... The price?"

The assistant snapped out of her daze and cleared her throat, putting back on her demeaning, fake smile. "It's 400000 won." she said with a smug look on her face. Chanyeol almost tripped backwards hearing the price.

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