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Kim Jongin (Kai): A rich hansome, tan spoiled brat with a great social life, though he is the most popular boy in school, he maintains his grades, he is actually the smartest kid in school, heès in the very top to be exact. His grades are not high school material. he's the most athlethic guy in school, basketball, volleyball, soccer, name it. But here's the catch, he is the rudest guy you will evr meet, even to his friends, teachers and even family, but they cant really complain because besides from his attitude he is perefect. Everything was perfect for jongin, his grades were very important to him, since thats the only reason why his parents pay attention to him due to his good and remarkable grades.

One day he was in shock when a certain Do Kyungsoo topped 1st in Academics. He was furious at that person though he didn't really know him. He went to Do kyungsoo's class with a scary look on his face.

"Yah!!! Is Do Kyungsoo here?!" He shouted in his class.

"Kim Jongin! You cant just barge in my class like this." Mrs. Lee scold him.

"Where is HE!?!?!" He shouted once again. Due to everyones fear of jongin, everyone pointed at this small squishy looking guy with sunglasses on. "What a freak!" He thought. He rushed over to him and grabbed his arm and rushed out the room. The teacher just sighed and cotinued teaching. He pushed kyungsoo against the wall, hitting the besides kyungsoo's head causing him to flinch.

"You.." Forgetting the reason why he was pissed in the first place.

"Take off you sunglasses." Kai command.

"No!!" Kyungsoo said, not wanting to sound rude but did

"I have sore eyes." Kyungsoo tried to reason looking away, but right away jongin knew kyunoo was lying. With a plan in his head, kai distracts kyungsoo.

"I have never once been second in my entire life, yet you easily took that away from me.(Slowly reaching to kyungsoo's ear to snatch away his glasses.) I need you to be second for me..." Jongin said as he saw kyungsoo's heart shape lips shiver... It was kind of attractive he thought. Then suddenly Jongin snatched his sunglasses away making kyungsoo shut his eyes tightly...

He seems so scared. "It was just glasses" Jongin thought. Before Jongin could say anything, kyungsoo ran with his hands covering his face. "Whats wrong with him?" He whispered to himself. He let it past and just continued, he cant believe that he cant stop thinking about that weird guy the whole day. Whats with his eyes that made him that scared? Aishhhhh!!!

(A:N: Annyeong chingu-yahhsss second chapter and still a little bit boring so im very sorry but i promise it will get more exciting as the chapter goes so please dont get tired of reading fic because there is more to come!! Now idk when i'll be able to update again but hopefully very soon!! adn i think that is it! so yeahh Anyyeooonggg Chinguyas!!

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