Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and cocks crowing. I began to look around wondering where I was. As I glanced around the room I immediately remembered yesterday's proceedings. I took a few minutes to clear my head, then slowly rose to my feet and glanced out the window. It was obvious ,based on the contents located through the window, that I was at the back off the building. I continued staring through the window trying to devise an escape plan until I heard the thudding of boots coming my way. I immediately scampered to floor and began pretending to be asleep. Seconds after shutting my eyes I heard the door squeak due to being opened.

The sound of a plate being flung across the room was heard before it slammed against my foot. I tried my best not to flinch at the contact and remained as calm as possible. Voices flittered across the room soon after.

"Franklin was right, she does sleep like the dead," said voice number one.

The two men laughed then made their way through the door slamming it on their way. I sighed then opened my eyes looking towards the ceiling. I have to figure out a way to get out of here. I wonder if they would take me to the bathroom. I guess I would have to ask.

I then glanced down at the plate which was flung towards me to see what its contents held.

"Great", I sighed unenthusiastically, "Corned beef and rice, thanks Franklin".

Let me be honest here and say that I LOVE corned beef and rice. In fact, I enjoyed it immensely but what I did not enjoy was Franklin's corned beef and rice. This is because he tends to drown it in water resulting in the washing away or any flavor. Picking at my food, I tried to eat as much as my stomach would allow, for even though this tasted like shit water, I still have to eat.

Suddenly I remembered Mikael's and Sondra's narrow exit. I hope they made it out safely and that Franklin's goons didn't chase them. I still cannot understand why Mikael was with Franklin anyway, I wonder if that's the kind of boys Ms. Joan said she's been seeing him with. Though I can't see why Mikael would hang out with them when he has everything he needs. That I'm sure of because I do my best to provide and I'd like to think my job pays good. He has friends for never once have I stopped him from making friends or hanging out with them. Friends are an important component in life and I would never keep him from that.

My thoughts immediately drifted to Franklin. I can't believe he's out then again I should believe it because the government honestly sucks. He could have walked out and they wouldn't even bat an eye. It amazes me at times how we still stand as a country but I guess that has to do with how religious we are.

The next thing which amazes me is the fact that I was even with Franklin to begin with now that is what I truly cannot comprehend. But to be fair Franklin was a great guy and we had a great relationship, a relationship which lasted three years. It was five months before its end when it started its descent. I had started seeing small changes in him but had brushed it off as stress due to the fact that we were in a point in our lives where we needed to decide what we were going to do next, though in that time nothing seemed to be going right. My mom had just ran away after my grandma's death, she decided she couldn't handle the pressure of a dead mom and two kids so she ran off with this guy she had met three months earlier.

I was shocked to say the least, my mother was never one to turn her back on anyone let alone her children but I could see she was truly stressed and never thought anything of it, she had left money to bury my grandmother along with money to take care of ourselves, but that was until a year had passed, no phone calls, texts, letters or any form of communication. It was also when Mikael had stopped asking for her as well. We were on our own and that was fine for I was old enough to be his guardian and we had money and a roof over our heads so we were going to be okay.

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