Chapter Three

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"Ahhh..", I groaned while holding my side.

I think I've covered enough distance where it's now safe enough to walk. I only hope that Mikael went to the right house. I picked up my pace as I could see the sun beginning to set and I still have quite a distance to walk. While sticking to the shadows, I kept an eye open for the guys Franklin sent after me. It still puzzles me as to hoe Franklin was now running free. I guess that has to do with our government system. It's a good thing I thought about all of this and built that safe house which Mikael should be at right now.

The thirty minute walk seemed shorter than it usually is. In no time I was standing in front of the old biscuit factory. I slowly edged through the fence, where tear was, and began quickly running across the lawn, into the shadows. I made my way into the bush and began to walk to where I knew the quaint little home stood. I silently prayed that my little brother was in there.

I came to a stop when the nearing dilapidation house came into view. Quietly mounting the steps, I avoided all the creeks I knew were there. I approached the door and slowly but cautiously opened it. Looking around I search for my brother, upon not seeing him I began to slowly freak out.

"Mikael?" I asked quietly.

After receiving no response I tried again.

"Mikael?!" I whisper yelled.

"Maesha? Is that you?" Mikael asked.

I turned to the direction of his voice and found him crouched down in the corner of the room. Rushing over I hugged him and quickly examined him to see if he was hurt anywhere. Relief washed over me when I realized he was unmarked and unharmed. Thinking back over the past day, I realized I forgot something important.

"Where's Sondra?" I asked while turning my head to look for her.

"Over there," he whispered while pointing straight across from us.

Squinting my eyes I looked to where he had pointed trying to make out the figure. Seeing blonde wisps float around the air, I slowly rose from my crouched position. I cautiously made my way to where she was sitting.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her.

"Does this happen all the time?" She questioned.

Shaking my head, I answered her, "No it doesn't, and I'm sorry it happened on your first day here."

"Who was that guy?" she asked raising her head to look at me.

Sighing I pulled out the chair around the dining table and looked to the ceiling while I tried to compile an answer which wouldn't have me throwing up in my mouth. Racking my brain, I began to come up with so many different answers that might be able to prevent me from what I actually have to say.

After crossing off almost everything, I decided to admit defeat. Hanging my head low, I whispered the three words I haven't said for years.

"He's my ex-boyfriend," I said so softly, that I almost didn't hear me.

"Excuse me? What was that?" Sondra questioned.

Gritting my teeth I harshly replied, "I said, he's my ex-boyfriend!"

Silence was all that followed my statement. Being uncertain on whether or not she had heard me, I raised my head and took a look in her direction. Shock and unbelief was all that was written across her face. I could see her trying to piece together how that was even remotely possible based on yesterday's events. Unfortunately I was unable to understand it myself so I was left just as confused as she was.

Actually, that wasn't true; I know exactly why that was remotely possible. I leaned back in the chair as I begun to think about where life with Franklin had started.

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