Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping which brought a smile to my face. The smile was immediately wiped off after I thought about the fact that Franklin was out there and he was looking for me. Jumping out of bed I marched into the living room where I saw Mikael and Sondra seated drinking out of coffee mugs.

"Drink that quickly then gather your stuff, we have to move", I stated and then proceeded to make myself a cup of tea.

They both turned to look at me with slightly raised eyebrows but didn't ask any questions which I was happy for. I sipped on my tea while I formulated a plan. Looking around my eyes darted past the home phone but was brought right back when an idea hit me full force. Rushing across the room I dialed a number that I hadn't used in the longest while praying that it works.

I count the rings and immediately after the fourth ring I hang up before I can hear the annoying message 'You've reach the voicemail box of...'. I'm pretty sure everyone hates when that woman gets on. I dial the number again and as usual decide that if I don't get them on this ring I'll try one more time because three calls in my opinion is enough. The first call is generally missed by most people, whether heard or unheard. The second is to allow them time to get to their phone, wherever it may be. The final ring is for them to actually accept the call. Luckily I did not have to reach the third call to be picked up.

"Hello?" I heard a groggy voice ask.

"Is this Sim?" I asked in an unsure voice.

"Yes", came the distinct reply.

"Sim, it's Maesha, I need your help", I stated in a firm voice.

With that being said we talked hurriedly through the impromptu plan we began to make.

After the phone call, I gathered Sondra and Mikael as we set off on the new journey. While we walked through the bushes, I thought about how guilty I felt about bringing a complete stranger into the mess I call my life. Not just any stranger at that but a foreigner who obviously just arrived when I met her. I'm pretty sure she now thinks all Jamaicans are crazy. I just hope that somehow I'll be able to change her mind and give her a decent apology.

"Hey Sondra?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Yes Maesha?" she questioned in a curious tone.

"I'm sorry for getting you caught up in this mess. I was completely unaware of what was awaiting me. As soon as we get to where we are going, I'll take you to Granite Close", I said in an apologetic voice.

Cocking her head she looked at me intensely while playing with the box I saw her with on the day we met.

"What happened is not your fault Maesha, luckily I'm pretty ahead of schedule so I am not in a rush as yet," she responded with a laugh covered in sincerity.

I felt instant relief rush over me. Giving her a small smile I took the lead as we made our way to the neighbouring community to get a taxi.

When we reached the main road, we got a taxi almost instantly. Though we were going quite a ways from Sondra's destination, I was pretty sure that Sim has a car and would be willing to take us there.

Throughout the journey, I sat watching Mikael. I could see the regret and anger as clear as day on his face. Additionally, the fact that he wouldn't stop sighing was a dead give a way to his mood. Sadness overwhelmed me as I watched my brother feel bad about something that is not his fault.

"Now is not the time to catch feelings about something that is not your fault", I said while staring at him intently to let him know I was addressing him.

He turned to face me angrily while shouting, "Not my fault?! Of course, a my fault!"

"We'll play the blame game another time. Our main priority right now is staying safe away from Franklin", I told him softly to defuse his anger.

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