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Kacey saw George come into the common room followed by Fred. She was still sitting in the same chair she was earlier. She was nodding off but when they walked through the door her head perked up. "Kacey" George said. He came over and knelt beside her chair. He took her hands. "Reagan is in the hospital wing" George said. Kacey's straight face faltered for half a second. "Why should I care" Kacey asked. Fred rolled his eyes and marched up to her. His hands slammed down onto the arms of her chair, making her jump. "Because she is your friend, and both of us are tired of hearing your whining and crying. So shut up and leave already or come and listen to what she has to say" Fred shouted in her face. Kacey stood up, shoving him in the process. "You don't know what it feels like to be stuck in this perpetual downfall. Have you had your family tell you not to come home?! Have you had your brother sneer at you every time you pass him? And this all being because you aren't an evil slimy git" Kacey said. "Your family is evil, you should be happy they disowned you" Fred said. "And what about Reagan? I guess I should be happy she disowned me too shouldn't I? I mean she tried to cheat on a test and blew up at me for that"  Kacey said reaching her hands around Fred's neck. George grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her. "It wasn't her" George said. "Of course it was" Kacey snapped, twisting her pinned arms. "She was under and imperious curse" Fred said. Kacey got her hands out of George's grip. "What are you two on about" she said. She quickly ran upstairs.

George and Fred heard a scream from upstairs. Fred had barely got his shirt on and George had just pulled his pants on, they rushed down, fully dressed. George's rational part of his brain just quit when he saw the sight before him. He saw Kacey's body, unconscious with blood seeping out of her head.

Kacey woke up, the first thing she saw was a ceiling. Her vision was fuzzy and her head was aching. She reached up and felt gauze on her head. A hand gently grabbed her arm. "Don't touch it, it might unravel" she heard a familiar voice. She looked over to see George. "Want to...sit up" Kacey said, her voice was strained and her throat hurt. "Okay" George said and gave her a weak smile. He adjusted her bed and helped her sit up. Across the room she saw Reagan and Fred. She looked at Reagan laying in a hospital bed too. Her face was riddled with worry. "What happened Reagan" she said, her voice still strained. She felt a cool cup slide into her hand, George had gave her a glass of water. She sipped some and felt the cool relief in her throat. She coughed a few times. "You really don't remember" George asked. "I know glimpses of things" she said. "The last thing I fully remember is the day that we got back to Hogwarts after break" she said. "You've been under a curse" George whispered.

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