Saving Kacey

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George stood up as soon as Kacey fell in. He pulled off his sweater and his skates before running and diving in after her. "George wait" was all he heard Fred shouting while Percy went to get the others. George barely saw a human shaped outline in the water and grabbed her. He swam back up to where he dove in from and there was Fred ready to help. George handed Kacey over to Fred who pulled her up. George hoisted himself out of the water and grabbed his dry sweater. He pulled it over Kacey's head to keep her warm as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came out. "She's not breathing" Fred whispered to George who was shivering. "Let's get you inside" Fred said and tried drawing George inside. George struggled against Fred. "They're bringing her right in" Fred said to George who stood with no shirt on, soaking wet socks and pants in the middle of an iced over pond. Kacey coughed up water and presumed breathing but was still unconscious.

"Quick. Get some dry clothes on her" Mrs. Weasley said to Ginny and thrusted a pair of Fred and George's old winter wear at Ginny.

Kacey woke up with thermal pajamas and a mountain of blankets on her. She looked at the room she was in and saw she was still in Ginny's room. She stood up, dizzily, and walked down the stairs to where the Weasley's, except George, were gathered in the living room with worried faces. She looked to make sure George wasn't there but she didn't make her presence known. Kacey walked back up the stairs and to George's room. She knocked softly before she heard someone murmur "come in." Kacey walked in to find George under a pile of blankets and he was still shivering, his eyes shut tightly. "George" Kacey whispered and George's eyes opened. "Kacey" he said and sat up. "Hey, what happened" Kacey asked. George explained everything to her. Kacey smiled softly at George and sat on the side of his bed. George laid back down. "My hero" Kacey said and kissed his cheek softly. George smiled. "Now I wish I had seen that smile sooner" Kacey mocked him from when they were at the dance. Kacey played with George's hair until she noticed his shivering. Kacey scooted closer to him and hugged him. "You seem cold" Kacey whispered and George smiled. George wrapped his arms around Kacey.

Kacey and George had fallen asleep in the bed together, hugging each other. Kacey was glad that it wasn't Mrs. Weasley who awoke them. "Hey George, Kacey" Fred smirked as he stood at the door. "You know it's almost night time and you haven't woken up today" Fred said. "He woke up when I came in here earlier today. "Heh you were outcome the day before yesterday and the day before that, you weren't in your room yesterday though so I figure neither of you have been awake today" Fred said. Kacey smiled and sat up. "Thank you again George" she whispered and kissed his cheek.

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