The Visit

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Fred bound down the stairs with Kacey on his back. "Mornin'" he said with a smile and Kacey hopped off his back. "Good to see you awake dear" Mrs. Weasley said. George came down soon after and smiled. "Hey, you aren't happy to see me awake" he asked. "George Weasley you know it was a dangerous thing to jump into that freezing water and have no shirt and no shoes on" Mrs. Weasley said in a shrill voice and turned to Kacey. "I don't blame you of course dear" she said.

Kacey was sat on the couch with a twin on each side as she sipped hot cocoa. She was talking to Fred when a letter dropped in her lap and she looked up to see her owl, Malice, come in. She opened the letter and read:
Dear Kacey,
I am pleased to inform you that I will be attending Hogwarts and I am coming to visit you. I will follow Malice to you.
You know who

Kacey laughed then saw the twins see who it was signed by. "No no it's not that you know who. It's my friend, she's so awesome but I hope she isn't really coming to visit. I mean I would hate for her to come here uninvited" Kacey said then heard a tap on the window. She looked over and saw her friend. She was short with brown hair and blonde highlights, she could only be described as one word..."Reagan" shouted Kacey and hugged her. Reagan smiled. "I am here, the party may start" she said and Kacey rolled her eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley asked Reagan to stay since there was only two more days in the break. "So I see you got yourself two boyfriends" Reagan said and nudged Kacey as everyone was sitting and eating. Kacey started choking on her food. "No no, they're my friends, ONLY friends" Kacey said and Reagan smiled. "Aw, we thought you were more than our friend" the twins said.

A/n: because I am stupid and don't know how to dedicate a chapter any more.
This chapter is dedicated to my beastie: Reagan a.k.a reaganhazel on watt pad.

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