Chapter # 2: Sally (Part 2)

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I stood there without a word. Tears running down my cheeks while pain kept on stabbing my heart on the inside. It hurt so much to the extent that it was as if I could feel blood gushing out of my heart, as if I was dying.There she was, in her grave, deep down under the ground and for a moment, I embraced the silence around me and felt like a zombie. Emotionless, Cold- Hearted and blank.

It's been an hour since everyone left, and not a single one of them cared. It was as if they were forced to come, as if someone dragged them all the way here without their content nor satisfaction.

I hate them. Each and every single one. I always felt as if there was something wrong with this Orphanage, as if they were hiding something.

They never really seemed to care and now, I just lost my very best friend, my only friend. The one who I grew up with and shared valuable memories with and I bared not a single shred of regret in my heart since I knew her.

Sally understood me more than anyone in the world, and even though I knew she didn't have much time left, I overlooked her situation and believed that she would heal.

I turned around, took a deep look into the grave yard and wondered, while these people were still alive, they must have thought about death at least once, but I bet that they would've never imagined that what they overlooked and often forgot about, would have ever occurred in reality.

As my phone rang, I hesitated to answer but did. '' Hello?'' I greeted with an emotionless tone.

'' Hello there Miss Nina Eliot. Miss Lola's worried sick about you! Please return as soon as possible!''

Who's he? ''Excuse me, but who are you? And how do you know my name?'' I replied questionably.

''Well, Sorry I haven't introduced myself officially to you! My name is Mr. Norman and I am a new employee here at the Orphanage of Victoria, London Ontario.'' He spoke with a British accent.

'' I see. Alright then.'' I fell silent for a moment. ''Tell her I'll be there right away.''

Before he could speak another word, I hung up. I was angry at her. She didn't even bother visit Sally or attend her Funeral.

I waited for a cab and when it arrived, I felt guilty. It was as if Sally had been calling me , pleading me not to leave.

'' I promise I'll visit tomorrow Sally, I promise.'' I whispered to myself, hurt.

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