Chapter # 4: Trapped

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I opened my tired eyes, witnessing an unclear vision of a plain, silent room filled with cupboards, drugs and a table on which tools and medical equipment were placed.

My wrists were pinned down onto a wooden, uncomfortable chair and my hands were shivering from the cold atmosphere of this underground layer of torture.

I could hear the uncontrollable yelling of innocent children somewhere in this place as I panted heavily and had my eyes looking at every corner of the room, searching for a way out.

Suddenly, I heard the loudest scream my ears could possibly bear and it was then that I was determined to do whatever it costs to free myself.

I began lifting my hands upwards until I could feel the tight, thin rope cutting sharply through my flesh and what was more painful was that I had to do so in utter silence. While I clenched my teeth together and held my breath greatly, I finally broke free.

But little did I know when I heard the clipping sound of high heels drawing nearer. I hesitated and without thinking, made a run for it.

I dashed through the long, narrow corridors of the area while closing my eyes, hoping for a miracle. The clipping did not seem to halt, and eventually, I opened my eyes and witnessed a corridor full of cells.

In these very cellars, were naked children covered with bruises, blood and marks all caused by continuous whipping.

The look in their eyes told me that they'd do anything to be in my shoes. I cried while running and felt uneasy as energy was drained out of my body, my bleeding wrists leaving a long trail of bood on the ground.

All until I looked into one of the cells and stared into the eyes of a child. A child I thought I'd never see again.

I laughed hysterically like an insane psychopath. I knew there was something wrong with me. If not, then why the hell would Sally be standing right in front of my eyes?

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