Chapter # 6: The Silhouette

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Victoria then turned the machine on, laughed hysterically and said while giggling:

" Well guess what Norman? You're fired!"

She then paced towards Mr. Norman

" NO!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

Victoria had used the machine saw into his stomach. His flesh was torn apart rapidly, while bits and pieces of his intestines flew out into the air.

Blood sprouted everywhere while Victoria was laughing as if she were high on weed. She did not stop and most importantly did not want to.

I stared in horror at the remains of Mr. Norman while Sally was vomiting and coughing blood. I looked back in disgust and guilt.

My whole body was trembling from fear and it was not long before I started feeling dizzy again.

Within seconds I started noticing two Victorias instead of one. In fact, all my surroundings became a blur and I thought to myself that maybe I was meant to be killed by Victoria.

Or better yet, tortured then killed.

The dizziness stopped and I noticed Victoria heading towards my way.

I scolded at her to stay away from me but it seemed as if she did not know what I was talking about.

She kept herself as silent as a slithering serpent, roaming around the dark forest hunting its next prey.

I stepped back slowly at first, but eventually, I found myself running.

She turned on her Machine saw again and ran after me.

I headed towards Sally in the elevator, and pushed the level  " 2 " button as well as the close button as quick as I could.

But she had run faster than I expected her to and I kept on pressing the close button.

 When the Elevator doors were about to close, Victoria managed to get in between with her dislocated jaw line moving unsteadily.

The doors had closed and her head was the only thing that kept them open. I screamed loudly while trembling with fear.

She then squeezed her hands through the doors and began opening the doors until she finally managed to enter the Elevator.

I had to think quick so I grabbed sally from her hand and pushed her out of the Elevator. I then looked around the Elevator for any material but there hadn't been any.

Victoria then tried to attack me but I kept on dodging her until I found that Sally had thrown me a metal rod.

I quickly got a hold of it and hit Victoria in the head. She fell down and fainted.

I hoped that she were to die but I had a feeling she didn't, so I hit her again just in case.

I dashed out of the Elevator, grabbed Sally by the hand and entered an abandoned stair case.

We moved upwards slowly as it had been very dark and gloomy. I advised Sally to stay ver close to me as I did not want to expect other unwanted visitors.

After moving up a level, we exited the stair case from a door back into the Orphanage. It had been the same as always with the same old polished wooden floor and clear windows surrounded by red curtains.

The brown leather couches Sally and I used to play on when we were little still existed. I remember when we would sit on them with our bodies being upside down so we could look at the room in a funny way, and stare at the ceiling while acting as if we were spider man and start moving our legs as if we were walking on the ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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