Don Will Never Forget

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Date: March 7th 1986 December 23th 2050

Place: Salisbury Connecticut

the next day Don was looking at a photo album and ran across a picture of Meryl when she was pregnant with grace with Henry and Mamie around her. A flash went by and he was watching what was happening the day that picture was taken.

"Mommy I need your help" yelled Henry down the hall "with what sweetie pie" Meryl yelled back " I don't get this mommy I don't get how to match the shapes" said henry. "Ok mommy will be there soon" said Meryl. Meryl began to walk up the stairs as best as a pregnant women can "Don I need your help" Meryl yelled after her husband who was in his studio working. " With what" asked don coming towards his wife. " I cant get up the stairs as well as I use to be able to" she answered back. "Ok I will carry you up here so you can go help Henry" said Don. then don carried his wife up the stairs like her own prince charming and set her down so gracefully like her had done it before and he had with the other two. Then Mamie came out of her room and came up to Meryl. "Mommy" said Mamie "Yes mames" asked Meryl "Up up" said Mamie with her hands going up towards Meryl. "Ok" Meryl said bending down to the best of her ability "Mama I Love you" said Mamie."awe I love you too sweetheart" said Meryl. "Mommy" yelled henry. "I'm coming Gippy" said Meryl "Hurry please" said Henry. " I coming I can't go very fast remember" said Meryl. "I know I know" said Henry. "Ok what's the problem" said Meryl. "I can't match shapes" said henry. "Well first never say can't and look here count the sides of the shape you want to match then count the sides of the choices the ones that have the same amount of shapes as the first then you look at the size of the lines and compare or the order of the lines to compare them and the ones that look the same are the same see easy" said Meryl. "thanks mommy and Mamie and you too Gracie" Henry said. Then Don walked in the room. " Hey what's all the fuss about" asked Don. " Gippy was having so trouble with his shapes which he doesn't get from you that's for sure" said Meryl. "Well then he gets that from you" replied Don coming in for a kiss from his wife only to be shoed off by his wife and Mamie and Grace. "What did I do" Don said with a smirk "Nothing" Meryl said playfully. "Well then why can't I kiss my beautiful wife" asked Don. "Because your beautiful wife said so" said Meryl. "Well then why does she say so" asked Don. "Because she just does" said Meryl. Later that night she was getting ready for bed after getting Henry and Mamie ready for bed when Don walked up behind her and placed his hands on her stomach and said "I love you" "I know you do we both do" she said putting her hands over his. she turned her head and he bent his down and they kissed. Then they began to sway while they where kissing. Meryl broke away saying " see I told you because I said so" "I see now" don said with a smile running across his face. "awe did you feel that" Meryl asked smiling now. "Yes yes I did I guess all of our kids like it when we kiss each other" don said at this point he was smiling along with Meryl. "What does it feel like" asked Don "It feels like well I'm a drum and she is the drummer" replied Meryl. "Well we must be her music" said don so gracefully. Meryl found herself falling for Don all over again and Don found himself falling for Meryl all over again. They together frequently found themselves falling for each other all over again.

Don heard a load bang and Meryl disappeared ounce again from his grasp. Don found himself calling out to Meryl "I was supposed to die first not you because you are the strong not me". Then henry walked in to his dad calling out to Meryl. Henry ran over to see his dad holding the picture of them with their mother which made him cry and Henry never cried unless it meant something to him and his mom was the biggest thing in his life ever it was always his mother and father and sisters they where always first. And Don knew that so he soothed his son like he always did when his son was going through something extremely hard and it was hard for everyone to loose Meryl. "Dad" said Henry. "Yes Gippy" said Don who was now crying along with Henry. "I miss mom" said Henry. I know you do I do too we all do trust me we all do" said Don. " what do we do without you mom what do we do without you" asked Henry " my son don't mourn for me just know I still love you and I always will just know that for me ok" Meryl said as she appeared in front of her son and her husband. "I know you love me and I love you mom but I need you mom I need your advise I'm still growing up I need you mom more then I ever could have or can say" said henry in tears again "I know how much you need me and how much you don't and I am telling you son that you always will have me when ever you need me I will always be there for you whether you know that or not I don't know but I am hear I am always hear" she said pointing to his heart. "But mom I want you out hear with the rest of us" said Henry "No if ands or buts and darling I know you do I always and I always will" said Meryl at this point Meryl was in tears along with Henry and Don together they where crying each one for the same reason they missed each other. later that night Don was looking through another picture album and he saw all the pictures of ever kid with Meryl which made Don want to cry but he knew he couldn't because if he did he would be reminded of the fact that his life was dead and 6 feet under ground somewhere that he cant see her beautiful face anymore. which made him want to cry even more then before but he couldn't he wouldn't. As he wiped away the one tear that dared to fall.

"dad it is ok to cry for mom we have and we all will" said Henry, Mamie, Grace, Louisa all together. "no it is not ok to cry because I cant see her anymore and I want to see her beautiful face anymore no one can and I cant hold her I my arms anymore I cant kiss her anymore I cant I just cant I miss her I need her I want her back" cried Don "we know dad but all that matters is that you still love her and that your won't love anyone else the same and I mean no one" said Mamie. "dad we all know you love her we all want her back we all want her back we all want her good night kiss on our cheeks we all want won of her award winning hugs but we can have them anymore and we know that but we still cry for her we still remember her we still love her and that's all that matters" said Louisa. "dad we love and we know you miss mom we do to but the only way to get through this is to cry for her mourn for her so that we never forget her and what she has done for us and for everyone else we love her and that is all that she and we care about" said grace. "Henry" asked Don starting to cheer up now . "well I agree with a what all of my sisters said and I will always miss mom but I will still cry for her she is my mother and I need her but like she said she will always be here and we will always have her when we need her most and she will always be there even when we don't want her there she is our mother and that's just how it is" said Henry and at that point everyone was crying. then Don broke the silence "i love you guys and me and your mother are never going to leave you" said Don " we know dad and we love you too" the four said together.

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