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Date: December 25th 1985

Place: Salisbury Connecticut

So today is Christmas and Don woke up to Meryl laying next to him, which confused him. "morning sweetheart" Don said with a puzzled look on his face. "morning honey" said Meryl kissing him passionately kissing him on the lips. "how are we feeling to day" he asked happily. "I'm doing ok and so is our baby girl" answered Meryl "great are you ready for today because I wanted to go see if we can sneak down stairs and get some coffee before the little rascals wake up and the party starts" said Don cheerfully "yeah about that the kids are already awake and so is the littlest one she hasn't stop moving since they got up" replied Meryl "we can never get anytime for quiet can we" Don said sarcastically. "I know right" said Meryl cheerfully. "well we should get down there before they break through every thing before we can see or snap pictures of them" said Don "I guess so" said Meryl. "well lets go then but wait there I'm to carry my beautiful wife down stairs because I'm your prince charming aren't I" Don said heroically "ok and Don I will always call you my prince charming because you are" said Meryl after being swooped up her strong dreamy husband and giving him a passionate kiss and placing her hand on her growing baby bump softly/tenderly.

Once they got down the stairs Henry and Mamie where already at the Christmas tree waiting as patiently as their little hearts would allow them. "well you look excited" stated Meryl with her hand still on her stomach as don put her down on to the floor. "we are" the chorused. "well I think I'm going to go get so coffee and make some eggs are you coming darling" Don said jokingly. "sounds delicious what do you think little girl do you want some of daddy's famous dippy eggs and some of mommy's famous coffee" said Meryl sweetly by still in a joking manner. Grace kicked in response. "well I think baby girl id ok with this" said Meryl. "ok kids come on we are going to go get breakfast first then we can open presents because your little sister is hungry and mom doesn't want to deal with a grumpy baby ok" commanded Don. "ok" they whined in sink. "well we can eat quickly cant we" Meryl soothed. "ok" the chorused cheerfully. Meryl has ways with her kids that lots of others don't have and Don knows this. "wow babe" Don exclaimed. "what" Meryl said even though she knew what he was talking about. "you and your ways with the kids how do you do it tell me all your secret you little magician you" Don said playfully. "a magician never tells their secrets" Meryl said as she sassily walked away leaving Don befuddled. Henry and Mamie giggled "go mom". "dad you just bin played" they chimed. "ha-ha so funny that's you one day" Don fired back. "Don darling our little girls getting anxious and quit fitting with the kids when you know they are right" yelled Meryl from the next room. "oh fine" Dons in resignation.

Later while they where eating. "aw" Meryl exclaimed with a little happy sigh. "what" Don said worried. "nothing bad papa bear other then I guess our little girl likes you eggs because she is moving all-around she wont stop moving I got to go pee though she is dancing on my bladder" replied Meryl cheerily while doing a little potty dance "ok well I'm glad but go pee before you pee your pants" Don laughed. "ha-ha you try having a baby dancing on your bladder" Meryl exclaimed. "ah no thank you that's your job" Don said "now go pee" "ok but we aren't done yet" Meryl finished and walked out of the room and down the hall.

Later when they where opening presents. there where oh I love it and darlings it is amazing or mommy I love you so much or daddy your the best and an occasional M it is just what I wanted cooing around the merry room. Then there was a knock at the door and again and again it kept going until Meryl yelled "I coming hold your horses". wen she answered the door she couldn't believe what she saw in front of her on their porch. Don had walked up behind her and reached around her waist and put his hand on her stomach "surprise" he said turning her around and kissing her passionately on the lips. "I love it" Meryl said between kisses. "I knew you would" Don said as he finished kissing her. "gross" the kids yelled at the sight of their parents kissing. "oh" Meryl exclaimed "what what's happening" Don said in a worried state at the sound of his wife's voice. "nothing I just think baby grace likes her knew crib/basinet" She said soothing her husband. "oh" Don said "oh and by the way kids if we weren't gross with each other you wouldn't be here so hush up" Meryl pointed out a she kissed her husband once more. "yeah wait baby grace I thought we agreed on Jane" Don said confused. "no darling remember last week we named her Grace Jane" Meryl replied "oh yeah I remember now" Don said a little embarrassed with himself. "Its fine we all forget sometimes don't we" Meryl soothed. "yeah I guess so but when are we celebrating with the rest of the family by that I mean mine and yours" Don asked. "well next week around Wednesday they will fly down here and stay in our guest house and on Saturday we will all celebrate and me and the other wife's/mothers will be make Christmas dinner that's the plans" answered Meryl with a smile on her face. "now who wants to finish opening their presents" Don asked looking into his children's sweet little joy filled eye and smiled. "me" the yelled in unison. "well lets go then" Meryl said trying to pull the crib/basinet inside only to be stop by her husband. "let me" Don stated sweetly "ok ok" Meryl said throughing her hands up in resignation. "so what about those presents" Meryl said said swooping down to pick up her sweet eyed little children from the floor on which they sat. "ok" they chorused. "ok well then we will go into the den and wait for daddy then we can finish opening present" Meryl compromised. "ok" they chirped.

Later after Don finished carrying in his work of art when they where opening presents. Meryl and Don where snuggling while watching their children play with their new toys. When out of no where Meryl started to cry. "what's wrong darling why are you crying babe is something wrong" Don said concerned for his wife was in pain in his mind she was at least and he didn't like that. "nothing I just love our life and I was thinking there is this movie I'm filming with Nora where her husband cheats on her while she is seven months pregnant and I'm glad that I know you would never do that's to me right" Meryl sobbed in response. "no never in a million years and if I ever do I give you permission to shoot me right then and there on the spot for I don't think I could live with myself if I ever did that to you ever" Don said reassuring her with a kiss on the cheek "you know I love you more then any word on this planet can explain I will love you forever and eternity" Meryl said still crying a little " and I you" Don said wiping away her last tear. Meryl didn't care that what he said was short, because it had soothed her and he said in such a romantic way it made her fall for him all over again. after that she fell asleep feeling secure and safe in her husband worm embrace.

later around ten o'clock after the kids had finally fallen asleep. when they where alone in their room together. Once again Meryl had found herself in front of their fool body mirror on the back of their do still marveling at the fact of her being pregnant again with another on of her and Don's own flesh and blood which made her smile with all of the joy in the world. Don had seen this which made him happy also so he decided to go over and surprise her with his last present for her. So he walked up behind her and as always reach around her waist and placed his hands over hers on her growing baby bump and said "Merry Christmas Peanut" which made the emotionally unbalanced Meryl start to cry then Don started to cry. Don't feel any pain for them for they are crying tears of pure joy. at that "honey why are we crying" a confused Don asked still in tears. "because we are parents all over again and we get the joy of see another child of our love and passion for each other grow inside of me then be the first people to know them before anyone else and we get the honor of being the first person to see their beautiful little face and we get to care for them that's why which in my mind is the best reason to cry don't you agree" Meryl said crying/laughing/sighing with joy and reaching in to kiss her husband more passionately then anyone on earth could every fathom.

At that Don woke up an once again Meryl was out of arms reach. That night he had cried himself to sleep for he missed his beloved wife/friend/partner/love.

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