Life is a box of chocolates

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Chapter 1

I don't believe in love at first sight. Never have, never will.

It's just a dreamer's romanticized fantasies commercialized by companies to sell their products to the gullible public who are desperate enough to believe that such an occurrence could ever happen to them.

I find it terribly cheesy and frankly, foolish. Incredibly foolish, to be honest, to believe in such a thing! I mean, how can a person be completely, irrevocably, head-over-heals in love with someone they just saw; never knowing who they are, what they do, where they come from, what their favourite food is, how they like their eggs for breakfast, and all those other minute details. Not even meeting them, just seeing them!

Now, how can that be?

They say it only happens to a very teeny, tiny group of people and that it is as rare as a UFO sighting. Well, as it happens, I'm actually living with a couple who believes, wholeheartedly, that they are part of said exceptional group of very lucky, very happy people.

Unfortunately, they don't seem to know when to stop talking about the very special way that they met and the very special situation that led them to their whirlwind romance in another country. And, of course, their very special union and very special ceremony and very special love-spawn.

"Josko, make it stop!"

"What you say?" asked the foreign half of the annoying couple I call roommates.

"Nothing." I quickly replied. Too quickly.

"You say something..."

His already thin slits for eyes getting even narrower.

'And I thought they couldn't get any smaller. Huh.' I thought.

"Lili. You say something?" He broke through my musings.

"I was just thinking about what I would order for lunch." I offered.

"Ah. Food." he chuckled, pulling back and continuing whatever it was that he was cooking up at the stove.

Probably ramyeon, judging by the strewn wrappings on the counter. We basically live on the spicy stuff.

Apparently, food is a frequently occurring phenomena in my brain and people think I have foodie daydreams all the time and is considered as normal Lili behaviour. It's a useful excuse for when I get into awkward situations as well. And my friends and family have also accepted it as a fact.


"Is the ramyeon ready?" I stood up to take a peak over the Korean's shoulder.


A deafening squeal came from the master bedroom followed by the sound of clamouring and something crashing to the floor. The doorknob rattled, the door swung opened and a panicked-looking young woman came tumbling out, barreling straight for us.

"JUN!" she screeched, "Your father is calling!"

Jun's face suddenly slackend and he almost threw the wooden spoon he was using to stir the pot of ramyeon in his haste to grab the phone from his wife's hands.

"Yeoboseyo? Father... Yes." He skittered away while speaking in rapid Korean into the mouthpiece.

I glanced at my friend, roommate and co-worker of almost five years. Her usually glowing tan features were now pale and clammy looking.

Her Filipino heritage was evident in almost every way: her telephone wire, black hair, round eyes, plateau-like forehead, wide mouth and small stature. Her tall, almost hooked nose was the only feature that hinted of any European influence. Her good looks were emphasized by her curves, limitless sense of humor and vivacious attitude towards life.

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