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(General POV)

Today was finally Friday and you were super excited for the weekend. The first week of school was like toucher. The only good thing  about it was that you actually made some new friends (Woozi, Vernon, and Joshua). which was weird because you normally didn't make friends that easily, but with them it was different. You actually talked with Vernon and Woozi lot more and you figure out that Vernon was just as shy as Woozi, maybe even more .

( readers POV)

Why are there so may people at coffee shop today. I get it that today is Friday and all but still why??I wonder if Joshua will actually come today. I've been wanting to talk to him ever since we met. I stood there thanking to myself.

"(Y/n) get back to work. The shop is packed today, for you to just be standing there daydreaming" alam said. In a stern voice. she quickly snatched me out of my infinite sea of thoughts.

I looked up at the clock and it was 8:30. " 4 hours till I go home, stay strong" I whispered to myself .

I heard the front door open but I didn't bother to look up. And then I suddenly felt someone's arms wrap around me tightly from behind. I turn and saw it was Joshua. my face instantly turned red. "Ahhh... Joshua umm hi" I said 

" hey I told you I come, and I brought my friends" he said as he pointed to a large group of Asian guys. It was all the foreign exchange students. "Hey I just realized, Ive been calling you my friend but I don't even your name," he
said laughing a little.
his laugh is so adorable. 
"Oh it's (y/n)" I smiled.

He grabbed my wrist and started pulling towers the group of guys "come on (y/n), I need to introduce you to all the guys,"

" But Joshua I'm working," I fought back.

"It will only take a few seconds, come on," he said, as he led me through the some what crowed coffee shop.

"But Joshua I'm really awkward. I always end up scaring people away," I pouted.

He stopped and turned to face me and he had serious look on his face. "you didn't scare me away,"

I felt my face get warm again and I just looked away hoping he doesn't see me blushing.

"hey guys this is my friend I was talking about, her names (y/n)"

"Hi" I said awkwardly, and They all smiled.

"Wow Joshua your friends really pretty," one of the guys say.

I looked up in shock no ones ever called me pretty except for my mom.

"hey don't harass (y/n)," I heard two people yell. I looked up to see it was Jihoon and Vernon.

"Jihoon, Vernon!" I yelled out, I ran up Towards them and gave them each a hug. I was relieved to see someone I know here.

"Guys don't be rude introduced yourselves," Joshua had scolded the rest of the group.

(Generally POV)

They all stood up and said there name one by one. They were all really nice and your favorite was seungkwan he was hilarious and super easy going, But you had to back to work.

(Readers POV)

"(Y/n) come back" Jun wined.

" I'm working, I told you guys,"I smiled.

" yeah come back we miss you,"hoshi said.

"Ok fine Its almost my break anyways" I said. "hey Mrs Alma, I'm taking my break now,"

"Alright," I heard her yell back.
And I walked to the group of boys.

"YAY!!!!" they all cheered when they saw me walk towards them. I sat next to S.coups. We joke around, and talked about random things. I don't think I ever had so fun with people I just meet.

I heard the door open agin and this time it was Emily, Maria, and Jae.

"Whoa (y/n), or should I say miss popularity" Emily said jokingly as she walked toward us Maria and Jae walked behind Her.

"Hey guys!" I said and ran up to Hug them. I pulled them to the table and They introduced themselves.

" how did you even get (y/n) to talk, she hardly ever speaks" Jae says jokingly to the all the guys.

" oh you know we have our ways" S.coups said and winked. I just gave him a glared as a response to his comment.

~time skip~

I eventually had to go  back to work. The good thing was that Your friends got along really well with the guys. It was almost time to close up the shop and the foreign exchange students your friends were the only ones left.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys, but I have to go so bye," Maria said hugging everyone and then walked it the door.

" actually I have to go to,"Emily announced and pulling out her phone to looking at the time. "Jae your driving me home, so come along,"she said.

"UUUUGGGHHH... Why,"Jae responded.

"Because I said so please, I though that we were best friends,"Emily whined doing a puppy face that Jae couldn't resist.

"Its not that I don't want to, its just that I was going drive (y/n) home tonight," he said.

"Oh dude, it's ok I'll make one of these guys take me" I said and point to the 13 boys who were setting at the table behind me.

"are you sure i -"He was cut off by Emily pulling him out the door.

"She'll be fine, bye (y/n),"Emily yelled back.

"Bye," I replied. I walked back to the table and frowned.

"You guys do know that it's almost closing time,"I said.

" yep" s.Coups said.

"So, you can leave now," I said.

"do we have to," Wonwoo wined.

" YEAH! hurry so, close up shop faster" I yelled playfully.

"Ugh, Ok whatever we'll  leave" they said getting up slowly.

I saw Joshua alone. This is my chance I can ask him to walk me home.
"Hey Joshua... Umm I have to close up shop today and it's pretty scary being here at night so late, can you stay and walk me home please," I said nervously and looking at the ground.

"I can't today I promised my mom I would be home like 20 minutes ago so yeah... Sorry" he said and hugged me, then he said bye to the rest of the guys and left.

I stood there kanda disappointed that he couldn't walk me home. I wasn't lying when I said that it got scary at night.

"hey umm... So I overheard that you need someone to walk you home and I-"Jihoon was cut of by Vernon jumping in between us.

" I'll walk you home MY LADY," vernon said In a weird voice and bowing.

"No you're not! it's our turn to clean the dorm remember, so you have to help me" Dino said pulling Vernon out the door and leaving.

The cafe was soon empty the only people left was me and Jihoon.
"I guess you're walking me home then," I said.

" yeah" he smiled.

"ok let clean up I'll be done in like 30 minutes,"

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