The Other Mr. Matthews

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A/N: Brian Matthews above. Ok, second part. Whew. Let's go.

Brian Matthews watches in amusement and adoration as his semi-helpful assistant, Daniel, attempts to balance a pen between his nose and upper lip out of sheer boredom.

"Daniel, what are you doing?"

Startled, Daniel lets the pen slip from his face and roll in front of the office door. "Well I was practicing to perform the greatest balancing act of the 21st century. Until I was rudely interrupted." He grumbled the last part. Daniel got out of his desk chair to retrieve the pen when the door swung open, hitting him square on the forehead. "Ow! Damn fuckers!"

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," a deep voice resonates throughout the room, "Let me help you up."

A large, strong hand reaches into Daniel's vision, and he grabs onto it graciously. The hand was connected to a very strong arm, because Daniel's slight frame is lifted off the ground quickly and with ease. Once Daniel's standing, he looks down and brushes the some dust off of his light blue button down and gray slacks.

"It's fine, I was just..." Daniel trails off as his eyes come in contact with a handsome man. A very handsome man.

"Well, I'm Lucas, and I'm terribly sorry that I hit such a delicate face with such an ugly door."

Lucas had a shock of blond hair carried about six feet, four inches above the ground by broad shoulders and long legs. His bright smile and light tan - and compliments - only added to his charm.

"Hey," up until this point, Brian Matthews had been quiet - so quiet that Daniel forgot he was there, "That door cost more than you're worth, moron! And get your hands off my assistant."

At this, Lucas held up his hands in surrender, "Sorry, just because it's expensive doesn't automatically make it a nice - or necessary - piece of furniture, and your assistant is much too beautiful to be doing clerical work."

Daniel blushed while Brian Matthews growled out a "Whatever."

Daniel was shocked at how casual the men seem to be with each other. "Do you guys know each other?"

"I'm this idiot's brother." Brian Matthews mumbled.

"What? How come I didn't know you had a brother? I've been your assistant for years!"

"You never mentioned me? I'm hurt, dear brother." Lucas held a hand to his heart, feigning emotional distress.

"He's not important enough to mention. Plus he is completely irrelevant to any business discussion between you and me."

"I actually believe that I am quite relevant, but that's beside the point. I came here because Mom and Harvey's anniversary is coming up, you weren't answering my calls, and I needed to remind you that we have to go to their house in two weeks to celebrate."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"Harvey's not that bad, and when Mom badgers us about marriage, she's just doing what she thinks is best for us. What will make us happy."

Daniel has just been quietly watching the two brothers go on about their mother and some guy named Harvey, who he is going to assume is their mother's husband. After a few minutes of watching the siblings argue about their Mom's intentions, Daniel gets bored, and tunes them out. He noticed that Lucas kept sneaking glances at him, and Brian kept glaring at Lucas.

These actions reminded him of how Rodney used to look at him - with appreciation and love. He begins to think about how life could have turned out if Rodney had not been sick. If He had lived to graduate college, and get his degree in architecture. To receive his diploma and acquire his dream job of being an architect, designing high-rises for elite businesses. Daniel begins to wonder if they would have stayed together through all of that.

Daniel snaps back to attention when he realizes that both men are staring at him, apparently anxiously awaiting the answer to an unheard question.

"So who are you going to choose?" asked an eager Lucas.

"Choose for what?" Daniel questions confusedly.

The brothers look at each other exasperatedly. "Is he always this adorable, yet simple?"

"Adorable? No. Simple? Very." Answers Brian Matthews.

"I resent that! Now, what was the question?"

"Well, at least one of us needs to be in a serious relationship to get our mother off our backs-" begins Brian.

"-And Brian McLoserPants over here suggested using you as a fake husband for him or myself, since you're a wonderfully loyal, single, and hot assistant."

Daniel and Brian both blushed at Lucas' bold statement.

"Don't call my assistant hot." Brian grumbled.

"So let me straighten this out: you want me to go with one of you as your fake boyfriend/fiancé/husband in order to keep your mom from bugging you about marriage for a weekend?" Daniel went on, ignoring Brian Matthews.

"Yes." They simultaneously respond.

"No, that's stupid. It's only, for a few days, I think you can manage. Honestly, a fake relationship was the first solution you could think of?"

"Well, yeah, that bitch is crazy, and is threatening to take my CEO title away from me. Since she's the rightful owner of the company, if I want to maintain my position within the company, I'm completely at her mercy."

"Tough. Maybe once you're fired, I can get that promotion I've been waiting four years for."

Brian sighed, "Is that what you want? Fine, if you do this for me and my brother, I'll promote you to assistant sales manager. That's what you studied in college right?"

"Yes, yes it is. Ok, you have yourself a deal Mr. Matthews."

"Thank you. Now who will you be choosing to be in a fake relationship with?" Mr. Brian Matthews asks in anticipation.


"Me." Lucas demands at the same time Mr. Brian Matthews' eyes almost fall out of his skull with shock and disappointment.

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