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Harry's POV

This morning I woke up with a determination in mind, knowing that today was the day I was going to have a real conversation and actually get somewhere with Mason. I've been with the girls for five days now and so far I haven't had much success. Whenever I try to talk to her she gets quiet and keeps her head down, and I have no idea why. She just doesn't seem to want to open up, no matter how hard I try to be polite and talkative.

So far all I've managed to get out of her are short, uncomfortable conversations. Sometimes I feel like I'm tipping her over the edge and making her mad, and yesterday she actually snapped at me and ran off, but I chased after her and kept on trying. I want to get to know her better, see what she's like, but she makes it really difficult and I don't know why. I'm trying to break through all of the defenses that she keeps up around her, but she has tighter security than the Berlin Wall. Every time I attempt to scale the side she shoots me down and continues on patrolling, watching for any other potential threats.

I don't understand how or why she could be so guarded. It only seems to be with me, when we talk one-on-one. When she's with the girls she's fine, making easy conversation and even showing emotion...nothing like the blandly speaking and occasionally angry girl I see every day. I'll find out what's wrong eventually, though; I'll climb those walls and see what's inside even if it takes me forever.

Right now I know she's home, downstairs in the kitchen. I waited around for a little bit on the balcony, wondering what I was going to say and how. After yesterday's conversation I realized that I needed a more steady approach, instead of asking her a whole bunch of random questions and frustrating her. Eventually I went downstairs to find that she was sitting at the table and sketching, like she usually is, and I couldn't help but admire how beautiful the picture was.

I wish I could draw. I mean, I'm not too bad when it comes to basic sketching, but Mason's work makes even Zayn look like he doesn't have any skill. She has the kind of art style where everything she draws looks incredibly realistic; whereas some artists will draw in more of a cartoony style, Mason goes straight for the photographic style. I don't get how she thinks she has no skill and always claims that what she draws are just simple sketches. Although, with the exception of my first day, the only things I've ever seen her draw are animals or something nature related. No more depressing scenes of dead wreaths, just happy animal scenes.

I sat down at the table across from her and started talking with her about her current drawing, but she kept on saying that it was just a sketch of some picture she'd seen in a magazine and she was drawing it from memory. She must have an amazing memory if she could draw it like that, without the picture sitting right in front of her. But even so she was still giving me short, vague answers, like she always does.

At one point she didn't reply verbally, just shrugged her shoulders and continued sweeping her hand across the page, making delicate lines with the pencil. Normally that was where the conversation would end and we'd go back to uncomfortable silence, but I just couldn't let that happen; not again, not anymore.

I made another attempt at talking to her, asking what first got her into drawing. "So, what got you into—"

She suddenly slammed her pencil down on the table, glaring up at me. "Harry, I'm trying to draw. Could you please stop pestering me?"

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I just—"

"You just what? Why do you do this to me, Harry? Do you like bothering me, following me around everywhere and invading my space?" I tried to say something, to defend myself, but something in her seemed to have snapped because she kept right on ranting. "Well you don't need to pretend anymore, okay? You don't need to talk to me every second of every hour, and you don't need to keep making it seem like I'm interesting and you really want to get to know me. No one can be so fascinating that you have to talk to them twenty-four seven and shadow them! I'm not interesting, my life isn't interesting, so why don't you just stop acting like it is?" When she was done ranting she turned away, her jaw trembling like she was holding back more words while I just sat there, stunned.

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