
84 2 0

December, 2014

I hate airplanes was the main thing on my mind for the duration of the flight to England. I hate airplanes, I hate airplanes, I hate airplanes, I hate... "What was that?" I asked fearfully, looking around rapidly as the giant frame of the plane began to shake up and down.

Jamie smacked her hand to her forehead, groaning. "Just some turbulence, Mason. Just like it has been the last seventeen times that you've asked."

I still didn't relax. "But this seems more serious than last time...what if it's a big windstorm, or a hurricane? New York has those, right?" I glanced out of the window at the clear, cloudless blue sky. Oh.

I don't know why I'm so jumpy. I've never had a problem being in an airplane before until now. We've been flying for a good five and a half hours and I've probably had a nervous breakdown every fifteen minutes over anything that could be seen as a complication with the plane. Currently we're flying over New York, about to make our way across the Atlantic to touch down in London within the next six hours.

I was seated beside Jamie up in first class, and Alli and Pan were a few seats back. I paired with Jamie because I know that, unlike Alli and my sister, she's a calm flier, but it seems that her easy patience and toleration is wearing thin with me and my unexpected panicking.

Shaking my head I sat back in my seat, closing my eyes and trying to think about something else in order to distract myself. The past three months have been a blur, filled with school and work and Harry. He always called me whenever he could and messaged me constantly, trying to work around the time difference. It was a little annoying at first, but I grew used to it and soon began to look forward to waking up to a text every morning and falling asleep with one at night. We were still keeping it a secret from the others, though, and we only Skyped and called one another when we knew we wouldn't be interrupted.

I miss him, though. I know Alli and Jamie don't get to see Zayn or Niall for as long as I don't get to see Harry, but they're used to it. My relationship with Harry is just under three months old, and those first few months are always the most crucial. Hopefully we can make up for lost time in the next few weeks. Though I only saw him briefly after we started going out I already miss his touch, his laugh and his eyes and his lips. But most of all, I miss him. I miss how we always make fun of each other, and the way he'd give me an extra squeeze when we were hugging or a quick kiss when no one was looking—

Suddenly the plane jolted again and I shot up in my seat, forgetting all about Harry as I let out a whimper. "Jamie!"

She sighed wearily, a sound I've become quite familiar with over the past few hours. "Everything is fine, Mason. The plane is fine."

"Are you sure?"


I looked nervously back out the window. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Mason, why are you freaking out so much?" I turned to look at her, and her face was full of concern. "You've never had a problem with flying before."

She's right, I've flown multiple times without any problems then why can't I stop myself from freaking out right now? I just shook my head, shutting the window slit and turning to face the seat in front of me. "I have no idea, Jame. No idea."

"Are you nervous about going to a new country and all that?" She asked, glad to see that I was calming down somewhat.

Could that be it? I thought about it for a few moments before I turned down the suggestion. "No, it's not. I'm actually excited to go."

"Is it," she suddenly dropped her voice to whisper, sounding like she was sharing a secret, "from your time in Afghanistan?"

I looked at her in surprise. "No, not that I can think of. I haven't been bothered by that at all. Plus, I never experienced any combat in a plane." I shook my head vehemently, dismissing her suggestion. "No, that's not what this is at all. Maybe it's just a weird, first-time feeling."

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