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Harry's POV

I shifted in my seat impatiently, absentmindedly playing a game on my phone in an attempt to distract myself. I wanted desperately to text Mason, but none of the girls have cellphone service out here in the UK so we just have to wait until they either find us or we spot them. We've been sitting here in the airport parking lot for over half an hour and I'm starting to fear that they won't show up, or that their plane crashed and they're burning to death or drowning somewhere... It's all I can do to not start freaking out and make a scene in front of the others.

I have to keep my cool, though, because I don't want the lads to get suspicious. Not that they aren't already, but I have to try and keep it to the minimum. None of them know that Mason and I are dating, and I need to keep it that way.

Even though they all know I like her and I had intentions of trying to ask her to be my girlfriend, they didn't know that I had succeeded. Mason wants to keep it a secret for now, and I'm not going to break my promise to her. I told them that I had sung to her and that she didn't feel the same, and that we're just good friends. Everyone knows that. But none of them know about our argument that had led to her confession and us going out; no one but Mason and myself.

It sucks being away from her for three months, though, only being able to text and do an occasional call or video chat. I want her with me, in person, to feel her presence and know that she's mine. I don't mean to sound so desperate, but it's kind of frustrating to finally get the girl that you were chasing after for months only to have to be away from her for so long.

When today came, the day for us to pick the girls up from the airport, I couldn't get the guys out the door and into the car fast enough. It's kind of my fault that we've been stuck sitting here for so long, because I'd insisted we get here early just in case.

Nothing can explain the happiness I felt when I finally saw them coming towards us, all four of them alive and well. Zayn and Niall, however, beat me to the door and jumped out, running for Alli and Jamie. Louis was next and he ran for Mason, jumping into her arms and screaming about how much he missed her.

I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me as I watched him kissing Mason's face, making sure he avoided her mouth. I had to keep reminding myself that he and Mason are just really close and that he has Eleanor, and that I shouldn't get upset. And when I finally got to talk to her, wrap my arms around her, I felt all of my fear and apprehension fall away and it seemed as though we hadn't spent a day apart.

She looked exactly the same as she always did, except maybe her hair was a bit longer and she was wearing a thick jacket rather than her usual tank top. She was smiling up at me as I put a hand to her cheek, feeling how cold it was. My heart just about melted when she closed her eyes briefly and relaxed, letting her face rest against my warm hand. I checked to make sure no one was looking when I leaned in to kiss her, and she kissed me back with her chilled lips.

"You're freezing." I said, smiling down at her once our lips separated.

"I know, but you're nice and warm." She smiled up at me, and was about to say more when Liam pulled us apart and stole Mason away from me. I felt slightly disappointed, but the smile she shot me was enough of a reassurance that I soon relaxed. After greeting everyone and introducing the girls to Preston, who had driven us, we all shuffled into the van and I even managed to get a seat next to Mason.

However, the peaceful ride was short-lived as Louis and I started yelling at each other in French, confusing the hell out of Mason as we fought over who loved her more. She was utterly confused, and at one point asked me why we were speaking another language, but I just smiled and shook my head. It was too much to explain, and I had an argument to win against Louis.

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