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By 0600 the next morning, Jean had gotten to know all of Easy Company and already felt somewhat comfortable around them. They'd stayed up a little late playing cards and telling stories, so when Captain Sobel stormed into the barracks at sunrise, they all protested.

The boys were extraordinarily friendly and welcoming. They had all listened intently to her explain her time in North Africa with the British Army, and how she'd been the head nurse at an air field hospital in France back in 1941. She even recited a few phrases in French for them to hear.

Perconte and Wild Bill proved to be the biggest talkers in Easy company, having the best stories to go with their never ending humor. That is until the rest of Easy came in from doing latrine duty and other various chores. Jean was pleased to know that they were all just as sweet and welcoming. She especially came to like Don Malarkey, Eugene Roe, Johnny Martin and Popeye.

Her first run up Curahee was exhilarating to say the least, it was only on the way up that her wounded leg throbbed with pain. But with some positive encouragement from Lieutenant Winters, she managed to power through it. Jean hadn't had the chance to meet Dick Winters and Lieutenant Lewis Nixon until this morning, but they both seemed nice. Winters was a patient and understanding man, while Nixon was sarcastic and very nonchalant.

During lunchtime, Jean sat with Luz, Toye, Guarnere and Muck. They were her closest buddies so far and had saved a seat for her. She tried to ignore the stares of men from other companies as she crossed the mess hall, focusing on George's big brown eyes instead of the intense scrutiny of Dog and Fox company.

"So Jean, how's that wound?" Bill asked, pointing to her leg with his fork.

"It still hurts, but it's fine. Curahee was a little rough on it though."

"You'd think they'd let you take it easy for a few days while it's healing." Joe added.

"Yeah, Colonel Sink said he'd let Sobel know, but I guess he doesn't care. Sobel hates me."

"Sobel hates all of us, toots." George said, shoving a heap of pasta into his mouth.

As Jean popped a blueberry into her mouth, her eyes lifted and caught sight of Winters and Nixon at a table in the back, accompanied by three other officers from the other companies. One in particular caused her breath to hitch as his dark, mysterious eyes locked with hers. She recognized him as the man with the cigarette from yesterday, leaning against D company's barracks. Now under the light of the bright mess hall, Jean could see the profound features of his face as he stared back at her.

Tan skin, glossy dark hair and olive green eyes made up the mysterious Lieutenant's face. His jaw was sharp and tense, his gaze never wavering as they shared a silent moment of greeting. When Winters bumped his arm, his eyes faltered and he looked away. Jean did the same, turning back to the conversation with the boys.


All day, Captain Sobel pushed Easy company through weapons training, medical basics and battlefield signals. Each time he neared Jean, he would watch her like a hawk, waiting for her to mess up so he could yell out her mistakes for all to hear. The only one she made was when her gun jammed and she quickly popped the chamber to fix it. Sobel was quick to reprimand her, though.

"Sergeant Stone, if you want to be a part of the best company in the 501st, you'll have to do better than that!" he shouted, practically spraying saliva onto her eyelashes as he crouched over her laying from in the grass.

"Yes, sir!" she replied, biting her tongue.

Malarkey lay beside her, giving her an encouraging smile as Sobel walked away.

"You're doing great. You don't even need training if you've already been to war." he told her.

"Thanks, Don."


That night, after Jean had showered and changed into her Army issue sweatpants and PT shirt, Sobel burst into the barracks, recieving everyone's immideiate salute and ignoring it.

"Sergeant Stone, you're on guard duty tonight. On the wall in five minutes!" He announced, not looking up from his clipboard.

Lipton defended her as she came around her curtain, brushing her hair.

"Sir, she just changed. I'd be happy to fill in for her if you don't mind." Lipton offered generously, seeing Jean's annoyed expression.

Sobel shot Lipton a glare before meeting Jean's tired eyes.

"Sargeant, grab your BDU's and report to the perimeter wall."

She sighed, but sat on her bed to slip her BDU pants on over her sweats. She didn't even bother to tie them.

"Jean, just stay here, I'll go. I'm still in my OD's." George offered.

"No, if Sobel finds out I didn't go, he'll have my ass."

"Here." Bill said, handing her his jacket, so she wouldn't have to retrieve her own.

"Thanks, Bill. Guess I'll see you boys in the morning." She smiled half-heartedly.

"Don't forget your helmet!" Bull said as she headed for the door.

He took her helmet off her bed and tossed it to her. She just nodded and placed it on her head before leaving the barracks.

She didn't bother zipping up Bill's jacket. It was a warm Georgia evening and she didn't really care what she looked like. She sauntered quietly to the brick wall surrounding the camp, noticing a tall figure already standing guard there. Suddenly she felt bashful and pulled the jacket tight around her. She hoped it wasn't some annoying private that would ask her a million questions and pester her for three hours.

Jean could see the tiny red glow of a cigarette as she approached the man leaning against the wall, but she couldn't make out who he was.

Clearing her throat as she approached so as not to startle him, she watched as his head turned and a familiar pair of dark eyes landed on her. It was the mysterious Lieutenant from earlier. Almost instantly, jean's skin broke out in goosebumps as she stood silent under his intense gaze. She studied the the shape of his jaw, the curve in his lips, the almost visible layer of hairs sticking out on his cheeks. Up close, he was dangerously handsome, and she feared if it weren't dark out right now, he'd catch her blushing.

"Lieutenant Speirs, Dog company." he said softly into the night air, his head nodding slightly in greeting.

"Sergeant Stone, Easy company." she replied, looking up at the man.

His dark, glossy hair hung slightly over his forehead as he looked down to study her. It didn't make her uncomfortable, she was used to men staring at her. The only difference with Speirs was the fact that he didn't look at her with hunger or mischief in his eyes. He looked into her eyes, like he was trying to read her. He studied her for a brief moment before taking a long draw of his cigarette.

With a small smile, Jean looked up at his cigarette and suddenly asked, "Could I bum one of those from you, please?"

Lieutenant Speirs did not hesitate to extract his pack of Lucky Strikes for Jean.

"Thanks." she said, taking one.

As she raised it to her lips, Speirs lit it for her.

It wasn't until she finished smoking and put out her cigarette that Speirs spoke again.

"How are the men treating you, Sergeant?" he asked, his voice smooth and calculated.

She turned toward him, smiling slightly as he waited for an answer.

"Great. Easy company has been very welcoming." she said.

When she scrawled into bed that night after Bull had taken over for her, she couldn't stop thinking about Lieutenant Speirs. His green eyes were swimming through her mind all night.

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