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After having showed Sobel that I was a force to be reckoned with, the boys of Easy Company had been bragging all day long about my rebellion.

I'd like to call it determination, assertion, stubbornness. All of the things I was known for growing up.

As Bull and I made our way back towards barracks after lunch, one of the brass' orderlies approached us.

"Sergeant Stone?" He asked.


"Colonel Sink would like to see you in his office, right away ma'am." He said.

Bull and I glanced at each other. It had only been two days since he left, he couldn't be back so soon could he?

"Right, then." I said, turning towards his office and walking off.

"And don't call me ma'am!" I called back.

Inside Colonel Sink's office, it was nice and cool with his ceiling fan whizzing round. I noticed that he stood, facing his window and watching Able company as they learned a bit of first aid training.

"Sir?" I asked, making my presence known.

He turned and smiled at me as I stood at attention.

"At ease, Sergeant."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I waited for him to speak. Hopefully it was something about Sobel. Or maybe I would be reprimanded about running onto the obstacle course today.

"I've gotten word that while I was away, Captain Sobel has assigned you to kitchen duty instead of training with Easy Conpany."

"That's correct sir." I answered.

He turned back around to face me, motioning toward the chair sitting before his desk.

"Please, sit down Sergeant."

I obeyed, sitting and crossing one leg over the other. These shorts were deathly uncomfortable.

"I've also heard that deliberately disobeyed him and ran your way through the obstacle course against your orders."

Swallow the small lump that formed in my throat, I hoped dearly that he wasn't kicking me out of the 506. I've worked too hard to get here!

"Well I'll be God damned if any of my soldiers disobey a direct order. But here's the thing Sergeant: technically it wasn't a direct order. Sobel didn't have an ounce of it on paper. So as far as I'm concerned, you were just doing what you came here to do."

"Yes, sir." I agreed.

The smirk he gave me was a priceless one, and I was beginning to like Colonel Sink even more.

"In fact, I'm damned proud of you for doing what you did. Hell, if it were me on kitchen duty, I'd tell Sobel where he could stick it."

"Thank you, sir."

"Just thought I'd run that by you. I've seen fit to send Sobel on a mandatory weekend pass tonight. He won't be back until Sunday evening. Try to relax while he's gone, and have a nice weekend Sergeant Stone."

"Thank you, sir!" I beamed, reaching out to shake his hand.

He gave a small chuckle before dismissing me back to barracks.

Inside, the men were milling around and playing cards like usual.

"Idunno Lieb, I feel like I should be putting my boots on in case Sobel orders us to run Curahee." Perconte said worriedly.

"Perconte, throw your boots out the door." I said with a smug look on my face.

"Why?" Buck asked curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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