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(From this chapter on, I've decided to write in first person. It's easier for me to do it this way, but if anybody disagrees- please let me know and i can switch back anytime. Thanks for reading!)

The next morning, I was called into Sobel's office right away without reason from his orderly. Stepping inside the dull room, I stood at attention as he got up from his chair to address me.

"Sergeant Stone, I was just wondering how you're fitting in here with Easy Company." he said.

"Just fine, sir. The men have been great." I answered nervously.

Something about this guy made me very uneasy. It wasn't just the stern way he treated the men, or the ridiculous infractions he seemed to sniff out each day just to cancel our weekend passes.

"Good to hear. Well it seems as though we've hit a little speed bump here on base that i was hoping you could assist me with."

"Sir?" I asked, confused.

As he rounded his desk and stopped before me, his aggressive brown eyes met mine and suddenly made me feel nervous and inferior.

"One of our kitchen staff has come down with a case of pneumonia and is now in the hospital. I'd like you to take over for him and help prepare meals in the mess hall."

"Uh, sir? Shouldn't I be training with the rest of the men?" I asked

"I think kitchen work is a little more...Appropriate for you miss Stone." he said accusingly.

Feeling completely bewildered, I blinked against wet eyes at the sudden realization of what this was. Sexism. Chauvinism. Hate. Sobel had the power to assign me to kitchen duty only while Colonel Sink was away on official business. If he knew about Sobel's mistreatment of a soldier, he'd be just as dumbfounded as me.

"Its Sergeant, sir." I corrected him with a bit of attitude.

His eyebrows raised at the hint of my new found bravery, but he just rolled his eyes and dismissed me.

On my walk back to barracks, I saw Luz and Toye headed towards me down the gravel path. They smiled when they saw me.

"Hey Jean! We were just headed to get some coffee, wanna come?" Luz asked as they stopped in front of me.

Joe noticed my downcast expression and immediately took action.

"Alright, who the fuck has been messing with you? I'll show 'em a thing or two!" he said, clenching his fist.

Reaching up and wiping a tear from the corner of my eye, I shook my head.

"Its my second day here and Sobel's already got me doing a woman's job." I grumbled, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"What happened?" Luz asked.

"He assigned me to kitchen duty!" I said loudly out of frustration.

Nearby, Winters and Nixon must've heard me because they made their way over to us and listened in.

"What? Why?" Joe asked.

"Because I'm a woman, that's why. Who cares if I've jumped out of more planes than Sobel, or been shot in the leg, or have more combat experience than anybody here for that matter! He's a woman hater, a chauvinistic prick!"

"Jean?" Winters asked softly, looking genuinely worried for me.

"So does that mean you wont be training with us anymore?" Luz asked.

"I guess so." I said in a defeated tone.

Winters gave a frustrated sigh.

"He's only doing it because Colonel Sink is gone for the week. Once he gets back, Sink will have you back to training with us. For now, I can't help you. Just try and make the best of it and keep your head down. Sobel lives on negative energy." he suggested.

Love and War (Band of Brothers) EDITINGKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat