If wanting you is a crime lock me up ill do my time part 2

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I woke up the next day rolled over and took my phone off charge I looked at the screen it said

*@RikerR5 is now following you*

well then I thought, he wasn't joking about finding me... But how?

I went on to his twitter page and decided I may as well follow him back while I was on his page I saw that he had retweeted kaysee and followed her well that clears that up I thought to myself.

I tweeted

*good morning*

just casually and about 1 minute later got a Direct message (DM) saying

*Hey :)*

I thought about ignoring it but then simply replied with

*hey you found me congrats*

I chuckled a little bit to myself and closed twitter before I knew it I already had a notification saying I had another DM from Riker I opened up the DM and it said

*I told you I would I don't lie haha ;)*

I didn't know what to reply with so I just wrote

*I guess you don't :)*

and then got off twitter once again just as I got off twitter I had a text from my friend Dan he was in a band called Hollywood Ending it said

*hey An we are support act on loud tour coming to you, in two weeks come see us*

Sure why not I thought, I had nothing planned for that night so I replied

*Sure, wouldn't miss it for the world how much?*

I got a reply so quickly

*Nothing, I will get you in don't worry about it. See you then miss you*

Dan replied I smiled he was one of my closest friends well he was my guy best friend but I didn't get to see him often because he was always on tour with his band. I quickly replied to his text saying

*miss you too, can't wait to see you :)*

Then that was the end of my texts with Dan. After that just as I Locked my phone it lit up again it was Kaysee ringing

K: Hey guess what

Me: what I said, wait is it that Riker followed you

K: well no but that's relevant too

I laughed and so did she

Me: so what was it then

K: I'm moving back here

Me: That's great we have to go out for dinner to celebrate

K: ok I'll see you at 6pm we can talk more then

She said and I agreed.

The next two weeks passed quickly and it was the day of the concert I had to leave at midday though so I could go for lunch with dan at the mall before and hang for a bit. I walked over to my cupboard and searched for something to wear I decided on a black skater skirt with white lace up boots and a white lace top. I did my make-up and threw my hair in a bun.

I got in the car and made my way over to the mall to meet up with dan he was already in the food court when I got there we had lunch and spoke about pretty much everything then I drove us over to the concert venue he had got dropped off at the mall which worked out perfect.

He took me backstage to see Tyler and Cameron and pretty much hangout.

"Heyyy it's Annah" Tyler pretty much yelled from the other side of the room as he made his way over and hugged me when he let go Cameron said hey and hugged me too.

I smiled "I missed you guys too" I laughed and then sat down.

The main band who was performing had just finished doing their sound check. I just realised that I actually still didn't know who the band was "Hey dan who's the" I stopped before I could finish my sentence as I looked at the stage door and saw Riker coming out through the door followed by Ross and the other 3 that I still didn't know the names of. They went in the opposite direction while Riker walked over to Dan and I. "Hey An this is Riker Lynch from R5" Dan said, "Hey Annah" Riker said and doing this facial expression that was like a wink. "Oh you've met?" Dan said "sure have" Riker replied "well An I have sound check now, I'll be back soon" Dan said "It's alright she's got some company" Riker added. I rolled my eyes I had pretty much stood their quiet the whole time and dan walked off.

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" was the first thing Riker said after Dan had left, I went along with it "You never asked" I said "Well you didn't give me a chance too" Riker said, I laughed "So you would have asked me if I had a boyfriend in our first conversation" I said "and by the way I don't actually have a boyfriend Dan's my best friend" I added and he laughed. "So I'm really surprised that you followed me back on twitter" he laughed "Wow are we really bringing up twitter now" I laughed "So you're a little less sassy tonight, what's up with that?" He added "Way to ruin the mood" I replied "mood??" He said confused "well if you asked why I'm not being sassy that just makes me be sassy again" he laughed and said "I'm going to get a soda if you want to come" I thought about it and then thought it can't hurt if he goes I'm back here alone waiting for Dan. "Sure if you're paying" I said as a joke "well if you're going to say it then I'm not going to I was but now you ruined the mood" we both laughed and went and got a soda.

"So I'm going to go watch Hollywood ending's set" I said to Riker "I'll come over with you and watch a bit he said."

We watched their set but Riker had to go before the end so that he could get ready for R5's set.

I decided to stay and watch R5's set 90% of the time Riker was looking at me which made me feel uncomfortable at times but I just brushed it off and continued to enjoy their set.

After the concert had finished I quickly ran back stage to see Dan before he went to the merch stand to meet fans. I hugged Dan and said goodbye. "See you tomorrow" I said "wait you'll be at Kaysee's party tomorrow right" I added "of course" Dan replied "why wouldn't I be" he added "you know band life" I laughed "see you tomorrow An" he hugged me again and I walked to my car.

I got changed into my pyjamas and opened up twitter and scrolled through my timeline

*@RikerR5: finally got to catch some of Hollywood Ending's set tonight :)*

I retweeted it and went to check my interactions. I had a whole bunch of new followers a few tweets the one that stood out was from Dan

*So great to see @AnnahLyonz Again . Missed he so much!*

Attached to the tweet was a selfie of us.

*@hollywooddanny see you tomorrow, love you x*

and then I put my phone on charge and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and saw I had a lot of notifications from twitter on my phone. I scrolled through my interactions and saw pretty much the same tweets over and over.

*Are you and Dan dating???*

*I ship Dannah*

*Follow me please :)*

I decided to make a indirect tweet to all the mentions

*Hey, Dan and I aren't dating. We're just really close because best friends haha :)*

I hopped off twitter and had a shower and walked over to my cupboard I picked out my pink dress that Kaysee had chosen for me and curled my hair then got in the car and drove to Kaysee's.

If wanting you is a crime lock me up i'll do my time (Riker Lynch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now