- Clichè gone wrong -

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Emma was sprinting up three floors, Noah trailing one floor behind her. Noah groaned. He should've just given up when he crashed, but no, he had to keep going. There was no point in stopping now, he had already gotten so far. Noah stopped for about 10 seconds, and when Emma heard him. She stopped too, but started running 5 seconds later.
When Emma finally got to her floor, she opened the door, and ran through the hall, her phone buzzing. She looked at the modification: (when it won't let you fix it) "@Kitty.takes.selfies tweeted: Quick, check my YouTube, Nemma is about to happen!" She stopped in her tracks. Noah... Emma... Nemma.

Kitty knew they were coming.
She had seen it coming.
Now, she was gonna make something bad happen.

She waited on Noah, and when he got up there, she held out her phone. Noah took it, and looked at Kitty's tweet, and raised an eyebrow.
"You know, I really wouldn't mind that happening... Wait, did I say that outloud?!" He panicked. Emma nodded, and Noah blushed.

"You know what, I'll make a deal with you."

Meanwhile, Kitty and Owen, along with the rest of the Total Drama nation, were beginning to get impatient. Soon, she got a text from Don.

RR.Don: Where are they, the whole cast is waiting!
RR.Kitty: I dunno, I herd them coming, then the footsteps stopped!
RR.Don: I hope this isn't a hoax, we're all looking forward to it!

Kitty looked at the comment, sighed, and looked at Owen.
"What if they don't come?" She asked him, frowning.
"Maybe they stopped, or something!" Owen replied, checking his phone.
"Wait..." Kitty logged into Emma's account, and gasped.
"Wait, Kitty has me on-" she was cut off by The door opening, and Emma tripping on the pillows that Owen had placed,twisting around, and landing on the floor, face up, screaming. Noah ran in after her, tripped on her feet, and fell flat on top of her, screaming, when he was almost cut off by her lips.
It seemed as if the whole world had stopped. Noah had hoped it would come to this soon, but certainly not this soon. Now, they were not even a milimeter away from lip lock, and it probably seemed as if they were kissing.
Emma was internally screaming. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Noah was supposed to see her, and stop in his tracks.

Did she trip too early?
Should she have just skipped?
Did he MEAN to trip?
Did he MEAN to almost kiss her?!

Emma was crushed, and she couldn't push him off, but thankfully, Noah got off her, his cheeks the color of a tomato.
For a while, the room was silent.

Emma was internally screaming in fear,
Owen was screaming aloud in joy,
Kitty was internally screaming in joy, and trying not to laugh.
Noah was trying his best not to blush, and was failing horribly. He also was internally screaming in fear.
The whole Total Drama Universe?
Fan fictions were being written
Edits were being made
People were spamming the directors, with questions

Eventually, Noah wispered, "I-I-I'm gonna go." So Noah wanted to talk. Okay, they could talk.
Noah left, and jogged to the meeting spot. Emma waited exactly 20 seconds, and wispered, "I'm gonna go, so.. Yeah." She left the room, blushing, but not as much as Noah.
The two seperaltly walked to Noah's room, which was deserted. Noah was already on his bed, lying down, his eyes closed. Emma walked in, raising an eyebrow.
"Why did you trip?"
"Why didn't you skip over the pillows?"
"I wanted to make my sister happy!"
"And I..."
Noah trailed off, and opened his eyes, looking at Emma's.
"Can I have my book?"
Emma frowned. She still had the book, the cause of today's drama. She sat down on Owen bed.
"Maybe I should burn it, after all..."
Noah nodded. "I'll order another, no worries." Emma nodded, and took the book back with her. Noah quickly texted Owen, telling him to come back from Emma's room.
When Owen got back, he handed a Starbucks coffee to him. "Emma asked me to give this to you." He took the note attached to it.
It read:
"Figured I might give this to you, turns out we like the same coffee. -Emma"
Kitty was texting Don when Emma got back in the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"You planned that, didn't you?"

Emma looked at the book. This book had caused her some serious luck today, and she didn't like the idea of burning it. She smiled. Kitty frowned. "You're not mad at me?" She asked, nervously.
Emma looked at Kitty, smiling.
"No, I think this might be the start of something new."
( So, did you guys like it? I had time today, so I made it nice and long!
So that's it for this book, although I will be announcing the next book on Instagram tomorrow! )

Starbucks Love - A Nemma FanficWhere stories live. Discover now