Chapter 4

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Flashback(Nisha POV:)

I've been tossing and turning the whole night but I cannot figure out what is happening to me. Since the time he told me that he liked me too,I am both happy and sad at the same time, I don't know why... Maybe it is because my crush, the guy which every girl wants in this school told that he likes me. I haven't replied to his last message today. I want to sort out how I feel about him. Once again I tossed but this time I fell on the floor. I rubbed my head and stepped out in the balcony. Cool air made me shiver and I hugged myself tightly. No one has ever cared about me since my parents death. My uncle does, but the way he looks at me itself makes me feel that someone cares for me. I was willing to try a relationship with him but I'm afraid of the distance between us after I go home. It's tough, but why say tough until I try. I was willing to give it a go. So I went to my room and took my phone up and replied to his good night message.

To: Seb

I will come with you..... Anywhere....

With that I logged off my phone and slept with a contended smile on my face.

The next morning I was woke up with my roommates pouring water on my face.I wiped the water and took my mobile phone.4 messages...all from him. I opened them nervously.




You'll come with me..???

From Seb:

Did you think a lot???

From :Seb

I'm picking you up at eight.

I looked at my watch. It was half past seven. I was really happy as well as nervous,don't ask me why. He is my stupid crush for gods sake.

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