Chapter 49

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Nisha POV:

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

I'm scared!

I did not plan this.

He is going to leave me!

Oh no!I'm going to go back to my sucking single mother life again.

Thousands of thoughts were running through my mind and I just did there frozen, unable to reply. I know I shouldn't overreact but darn, it's the hormones.

"Look I..."Tears threatened to fill some from my eyes.

"Passengers are asked to fasten their seatbelts to get ready for the landing.Thank you"we heard the announcement through the intercom and I sat down near Meera who laid a comforting hand on my thigh.I let out a shuddered breath.

"Don't hallucinate things sweetums,he is not going to leave you, look at him he is glowing, it should be you"she pointed out at Seb who was talking animatedly with Mia. They were so happy.

"Do you think I would stay happy?"I held Meera's hand.

"You have found your happily ever after doofus, look at that face of yours!! That man is going to be in your life forever,like it or not.I know it!"she gave me a smug smile.

"Do you think so?"

"Do you want me to put you down from this landing flight?"she raised an eyebrow and I shut up.

The flight landed and we were out of the airport in a swish.Mia was squeezed between both of us and i was waiting for "the talk " to happen.Seb looked out of the window holding Mia's hand carefully that he was afraid to let it go.When I was about to look away ,the same hand which held Mia was holding mine.I was scared to look at his face,I never felt so scared to look at someone .

When we arrived at the hotel we parted our ways and I opened our room .Seb laid Mia on the bed and kissed her goodnight.It was so sweet,it happens everyday but I still find it a  sweet gesture.

I opened the suitcases and took out towels to wash my face.A hand sneaked around my waist and pulled me back.My breath hitched and I was turned around to face him.There was no escaping.I felt his lips on my forehead.

"Hey ..look at me"he whispered.I didn't look up so he lifted my face and now we were practically nose bumping.

"Are you stupid?" He asked with a serious face.

"What?"I pulled away from him.

"Did you seriously think I would leave you, you are one stupid girl. You know that I always wanted a child with you. When you were conceived with Mia I wasn't there with you because someone fiesty thought that it would ruin my career"

"Oii"I shouted but he put his hand signalling me to stop.

"Let me finish dork. You took all the risks in this whole world to raise Mia so beautifully, that child sleeping over there wouldn't have born, if you were selfish. Won't you let me experience the joy of parenting for once? I'm going to stay with you the whole time, take your time off, and you are travelling with me, all the twenty races, what do you say?"he finished his not-so-long speech and let out a deep breath. I nodded at him and he came to kiss my nose but I stopped him.

"But before that"I forced my finger on the tip of his nose and pushed him.

"Anything for you"he bowed.

"I want chocolate icecream with vanilla chips and coconut shavings, go get them for me and then do all the smooching"I pushed him out of the door and laughed. When I was pregnant with Mia I ate three tubs of strawberry icecream with onion rings every week, I think this is a better craving from that.

Summer love #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now