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If a traveller had to describe the far corners of the Underground it would have to be dank, filthy and far from any ray of sun shine. The worst of the worst resided here, but to any demon this place they could easily call home. It was perfect in every way, it was even considered as a desirable nesting ground second to that of the Underworld's nurseries, which of course meant that everything was over-crowded and if you were a female, demon or other, you were fair game to any horny thing that came along.

Shiro rarely made social visits to the Underground mainly because he wanted to avoid the constant reminders of his heritage, but on the few occasions he did he could not help but feel a sense of hominess that radiated off the city's reeking foundation. His only excuse to step into the place was the oath he had sworn almost twenty years ago, to keep the idea of his mother's murder fresh in his mind.

When Shiro had turned ten, Old man Yorohi gave him the opportunity to exact his revenge and took him under his wing to train the Halfling in the art of demon hunting and ever since, no matter the size or the calibre Shiro's lust for the kill could never be pacified.
Demon hunting was considered an odd job even around demon circles because most cases were high calibre demons that not even the craziest priest or demon would try to exorcize and eradicate. Only the well-endowed in demon hunting genes or the extremely lustful, like Shiro bothered with the occupation. Even with the good pay it was technically not worth the extreme occupational hazards.

Mission were always posted on the message board at the Pet cemetery inn, a quaint place that was situated on top a hill surrounded by bog and the foulest of foul. Every night there would be brawls, blood and domination. An endless orgy that raved non-stop.
As Shiro entered familiar faces greeted him, some with respect others with treasonous results if he had been the legitimate child of his father. "Well, if it isn't his Majesty? Fancy seeing you here, were you tired of playing pretend in your make believe castle?" grunted a gargoyle swaying with the thick intoxicating liquid in his mug.

"One day you will wear that crown pup and we'll all be in hell!" this comment got the entire hall in stitches but those who knew Shiro knew that whatever that gargoyle deserved would be coming soon and served by a mighty hand of justice."Whatever you ugly garden gnome." Shiro muttered to himself as he approached Flint's desk. The dark elf shifted nervously in his seat his black bangs failing to hide the fear in his eyes.

Flint was technically Shiro's age but because of his blood elf genes he aged and hit maturity much slower than any demon. He had jet black hair cut badly and hidden under a black beanie that only revealed his blue streaked curtain fringe that strayed over his electric blue or Manson eyes. To any normal human he simply looked emo, but behind the glamour his hair was snow white and his body was adorned with beautifully dark tattoos that spired and bellowed with life on his skin and his long pointy ears pierced to the tips.

"Easy Shiro, we all know you're a beast and Dana just fixed up the place after the last number you did on a random Djinn. Plus she says if you don't stop destroying our establishment, we will no longer allow you to collect missions here."

Shiro snorted.

"Yeah, yeah I got you Flint. No more fights."
"So are there any good missions for me? Nothing below 800,000 and no succubae?" Shiro fingered the book only to have them being slapped away by Flint who didn't even bother to give him his famous "do not touch" look.
"Ow!!" exclaimed Shiro. He growled as his friend inwardly chuckled.
"I actually do have a mission for you. Perfect for the job. It's in CBD area. We've been getting complaints of a demon that's been terrorizing the residents an there may or may not be incidents of murder, but they're all were lower demon corpses. The kind that spawn a lot and die within a brief window period."
"Plus the pay is 157000, 000,000."
"Apparently the demon's been taking the form of a cat."
"Ryuu will enjoy this job then. When can we start."
"As soon as you leave here."

Flint handed Shiro the document with all the information of the mission. Sadly, there was no picture ID for his target, which meant that they would have to go hunting before the real fun could start. Shiro downed his drink and got up from the desk.
"Thanks again Flint, always a pleasure doing business." He winked and did a fair well salute to Flint. "Likewise when you don't destroy Dana's bar and castrate anyone."

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