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When Shiro finally woke up Ryuu was waiting for him on the landing outside the bathroom. "We need to talk."Shiro growled and pushed passed him but Ryuu stood his ground and slammed his hand on the dry wall. Never before had his familiar done this, nor would he dare but the situation was dire.

"Shiro, get a hold of yourself! We haven't even finished the mission so until that kitty is dead we don't get paid. Plus there's something you should hear..."

Shiro could feel his eyes turning and his demon side surfacing. How dare his familiar breach their contract and defy him! Ryuu tried to bring him down by touching his shoulder but that just added fuel to his fire. Shiro grabbed his and got him into a death grip, crushing Ryuu under his wait. Feeling the urgency Ryuu retaliated and punched him in the solar plexus before his master snapped his neck.

Shiro reeled back giving Ryuu the gap he needed to pacify him, but Shiro tackled him and they both tumbled down the stairs. When they landed Shiro didn't stop, he got up and punched Ryuu making his familiar bleed. He was about to throw another when he heard only voice that could ever scare the shit out of him.


A tiny woman stood at the top of the stairs her long blond hair pulled back into a messy bun, her hello kitty shorts riding up a little too high and her shoulder exposed. Shiki's expression was far from amused.

"What the hell happened now?"
"Uhh, Shiki...!" Shiro started but she cut him short by raising her hand. "I don't wanna fucking know. Just get off of Ryuu and straighten up the mess you made as well as wash up. We have a guest with us this morning and there's no way in hell is she going to experience this side of us, doesn't matter if she's a demon or not!"


"Yes genius, your cat-demon."

Shiro blushed and Ryuu laughed underneath him, so for good measure he punched him in the nuts then made a beeline for the bathroom.
"Why Shiro?? Was that absolutely necessary???" he yelled up after him. Shiro only chuckled as Ryuu lay there groaning on the floor.

When Shiro came back down everyone was at the table and Shiki was making breakfast. Everyone was silent. When the fight was over it was only then that he saw his tail, fangs and ears were out and his eyes his dangerous red and black hue in his reflection.

Crap, I went too far.

Ryuu's eyes never left Shiro as he entered the room, he was shirtless and nursing his lip with an ice pack. A random demon was applying ointment to his bruises. Shiro sat down opposite him purposefully sticking his foot in his space. "Shiki, he's doing it again."She briskly turned around, spatula posed like a dangerous weapon, but then again anything in the hands of Shiki was dangerous.

"Don't you dare start. Watch as your breakfast disappears!" Shiki threatened."Aww come on! I told him to leave me alone, but did he listen? No. So it's not my fault! "
"No excuses!"
"And how come he can be shirtless? I thought we had a rule, 'No shirt, no food?' Sound familiar?" Ryuu snorted then winced when the demon touched him wrong. Shiki rolled her eyes.

"Have you seen the number you did on him? You forget your own strength sometimes, Shiro. Not even your familiar can match you when you get pissed!" Ryuu tried to disagree but was quickly shut up by a wave of the spatula. "Now, behave and eat up, then talk to Midnight over there. She has some very important information for you." She pointed to the demon treating Ryuu.

"Wait, who is she?"
Shiki finally hit him over the head with the spatula. "Don't be rude! Or have you forgotten about last night already??"

The Cat demon.

Shiro looked her way and eyed the way she moved around Ryuu and her plate was practically empty and her mug was filled with milk. Think dummy. Shiro grinned.
"So that explains why Ryuu is letting you touch him. He hates it when anyone other than me or Shiki touch him." Ryuu blushed."That's not true!"
"Oh really then? Why don't I call Mason or Taylor here and let them help you?"
"You wouldn't." Ryuu mind linked."I would."
"Do that and I'll kick you out of my house!" Shiki hit him again for good measure. "Now be nice!"
The silence left after Shiki's intervention was steely. If it were a knife the whole room would be murdered.

Shiro and Natsukiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें