Chapter 5

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A/N Wow I haven't updated in a while, oops! I just didn't want to rush and write something horrible. Also I had no ideas but now I do!  I will try and update every week again. Quick question should I title the chapters instead of just numbers? answer in the comments!

Weeks after I finally went to school after the hookup with Dean; everything started going amazingly. We walk to class holding hands, make out at lockers, its like what my five year old self thought all of high school would be like! Us being so public about our relationship has inspired something in our school. Ever since that day when we walked to Italian holding hands, people have been coming out left and right! Trans people, gay, bisexual, pansexual and a lot more!  Same sex couples have started being a lot more public with their affection just like the straight couples. No more having to sneak kisses. People finally felt safe to come out. I was surprised how many saga/lgbt people went to our school.

I look out across the chairs arranged in a circle, noting that a few were empty.

"Okay so is everyone here?" I say addressing the gay straight alliance group.

A few of the people nod.

Since so many people were coming out and would need a lot of support so me and Dean started a GSA.

We start off by going around the circle and share something that has happened this week; good or bad. Most of the time what people say are bad things that have happened to them.

Me and Dean are the last ones to share.

Dean clears his throat

"This weekend I plan on coming out to my Dad" He says with his head held high

We all clap and scream encouragement! If he really does come out than we wont have to spend all our time at my house; which has started to get really annoying because of my parents making such a big deal over me and Dean.

When it is finally my turn, I just wave it off. Nothing news worthy has happened to me for awhile now.

When GSA is dismissed everyone rushes out to get to their next classes. Usually like today we meet during a study hall period. I take my time putting stuff back into my backpack, I am in no rush to get to my next class. Once I put the chairs back  I sling my backpack over my shoulder and walk out of the small dusty library.

As I walk trough what seems to be metal detectors (but no one really knows what they do), I hear the foot steps of someone approaching me from behind. Two strong arms wrap themselves around my waist lifting me off the ground.

I scream out of instinct. My scream turns to giggles as he turns me around in his arms so I can see his face.

"You scared me!" I yell at Dean playfully slapping his chest.

I grab the the collar of his jacket to pull my face up to his and teasingly brush my lips against Dean's. He trys to part my lips with his tongue but I don't let him. Instead i let go of his jacket and smirk at him.

"No kiss?" He asks smirking as well

"Pda" I say trying get him to take me to someplace private.

Obviously he dosent pick up on my subtle message because he just walks off to his next class.


(so sorry theres so much making out in this story)

Saturday night as I lay on my bed watching re-runs of doctor who someone knocks on my sliding glass door in my room that leads to the backyard. I stand up slowly pulling back the curtains covering the door. Standing there is Dean with a duffel bag. Something about him standing there seems different; his face is wet with tears, and his lip is busted open. I quickly open the door to allow him in.

He runs in at me and envelopes me in a hug. I hold on not needing to know what happened, just giving him support.

"Ca-can I stay here for a while." He says in between sobs into my shoulder

I push him away slowly with my hands firmly on his shoulders.

"What happened?" I ask very worried

He sits down on my bed putting his head in his hands. I reach over and rest my hand on his back.

"I-i came out to my father....... It didn't go very well"

I pull him into another hug.

"You can stay here for as long as you want"

A/n: abrupt ending *le gasp*. Next chapter should be out by Wednesday. If you enjoyed please vote and or comment! wow two authors notes. I don't know why im doing two. Please answer the question i asked in the first A/N if you forgot already.

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