The aftermath.

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     (A/N: Okay so I just noticed that I accidentally posted the draft of this chapter, i deleted that whole one because I hated it. But this is the part that was meant to be posted.)

     "Dean you need to get up!" I scream at him as I push on his bony shoulder.

     Dean just pushes his face further into the hard pillow.

     "If you don't start walking you know what's going to happen."

     He says nothing just lays stomach down with his face in the pillow.

     "You'll lose your ability to walk." I pause. "At least eat. Please."

     I sigh as he just lays there in the cold hospital room in the uncomfortable bed. I walk slowly to the sliding door hoping that he will tell me to stop and finally do something. Anything. But no, I slide the door open and closed behind me and he doesn't even turn his head.

     A week. I think to myself. How can you be awake from a coma for a week and not want to do anything. Especially since he was in it for three weeks. He was already so weak, from the tube feeding during the coma and now they still have to do that to get him nutrients. He was nothing but skin and bones, only a wisp of how Dean used to be.

     I apologize as I bump into someone on my way to the cafeteria, getting lost in my own head. I've been doing a lot of that lately. The girl I met at the party, Hannah, has been my friend through all of this. I've only known her a couple weeks but with the lack of Dean to talk to she was all I had right now.

     "Why do you stay with him?" She asks me all the time.

     If I really thought about it I could never leave Dean. Especially right now, he was the weakest he's ever been right now and I can't let him go through this alone.

     It seems as if all those times praying for Dean to wake back up that a piece of him never fully did. I wonder if he ever should have woken in the first place.


     As i'm on my way back from the cafeteria I sprint as I hear a shattering of glass come from the direction of Dean's room, dropping the food as I began to walk. Standing in the open doorway of his room was his father. Big and angry looking just like the last time I saw him. But this time not stinking of whiskey.

     I edge my way closer to the door just out of sight of his dad and see Dean sitting up from his bed, red as a tomato and him screaming at his father incoherently. The doctors rush passed his father and restrain him to the bed, he squirmed around from the waist up as they injected something into his IV. As I push through his father he was already knocked out. I now realize that the smashing sound I heard was Dean throwing something hard at the glass wall next to the sliding door, completely shattering it.

     I turn to his father, me only an ant in his tall shadow. "Don't come back here again." I spit at him.

     "He's my son." John says crossing his arms and not moving an inch.

     "You lost the right to call him that the moment you kicked him out of your house."

     I can tell I struck a cord with him as his whole face falls and he walks out of the room. He turns as if to say something else but decides better of it and keeps walking, back straight almost military like. As if he was leaving a funeral.

     The doctor's file out of the room and call people to come clean up the mess that Dean caused. The women with the red hair who tried to get me to pull the plug on him, stopped next to me.

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