A Gift From Above--Ch. 8 Date Night

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Hey guys, sorry for the wait! I've been really busy this week. I've literally had something going on EVERY DAY this week. Today is the first day that's been calm. Please enjoy this, because I don't know if I'll get the time to update before I go to the beach. I leave Saturday, July 9th and come back Saturday July 16th.

Enough from me, please enjoy(:


I heard a cry coming from Autumn, who was laying next to me in the bed. I rolled over to look at the clock, it was 8:13. Great, it was still early. I just love waking up early on Saturday mornings; not. Wait, it’s Saturday! Today is my date with Addison. I jump out of bed and bring Autumn into the living room, Sam’s not in there, obviously she’s still asleep. I put Autumn in her swing and face it so she can look out the window wall. Once I finished making her bottle, I settled on the sofa with her, drinking her bottle slowly. Sam walked in when Autumn was almost done eating,

“Hey, Jay,” She said, rubbing her eye with her fist.

“Oh, hey,” I said, looking up from the baby.

“What are you going to do today?” She asked me as she joined me on the sofa and took Autumn.

“Today is my date with Addison. But, I’m having second thoughts about going,” I told her, running my hand through my hair.

“Why is that?” She asked me, yawning.

“It hasn't even been a month. I don’t think Johanna would like it if I started dating this early.”

“Jason, Johanna would want you to be happy. And if going on that date with Addison tonight makes you happy, then go,” Sam told me as she got up and put the empty bottle in the sink.

“I don’t think I’m ready for a serious relationship right now,” I told the truth, I wasn’t ready.

“No one said you and Addison had to run out and get married,” She joked, “Just meeting new people is always fine.”

“I guess you’re right. Are you okay with watching Autumn tonight?” I asked Sam who was doing something in the kitchen with Autumn.

“Of course I am.”


Before I knew it, it was 5:30. Addison and I both agreed that I would pick her up at her house at seven. After taking a shower, I got ready. I made sure I looked good enough to see this girl. I put on dark jeans, a tan shirt, and a black blazer. I looked in the mirror and flipped my hair out of my eyes. Yeah, I looked good. When I walked out into the living room, I saw Sam giving Autumn her bottle, and Autumn was nodding off while gently sucking on the bottle.

“I’m leaving,” I said when I saw it was almost 6:30.

“Have a good time, bro,” Sam said, glancing up from the television.

     I jogged outside to my car and turned on Johanna’s iPod to none other than, “Good Life” by OneRepublic. That song was really having an effect on me. I drummed to the beat and sung along and put it on replay. After about twenty minutes of driving, I reached a nice house made out of stone. This house easily cost two million dollars, maybe even three million. I walked up the driveway and rang the doorbell. I rocked back and forth on my heels as I waited for an answer. One of the wooden doors swung open and Addison stood there, her blonde hair curled so each curl framed her face in a different way. She was wearing a red dress that cut at her knee, I think she looks beautiful. I stood there speechless.

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