A Gift From Above--Ch. 11 Party!

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    Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter. I don't know exactly how I feel about it /:

Anyways, this could be the last update for awhile, because school starts tomorrow! So I need to shift my focus a bit. I'll try to write some on the weekends, but no promises.

This is dedicated to GiggleAndHoot, because she was nice enough to read this story upon my request. So I really apperciate that! Check out her story, "Don't Tell Daddy", edited by me! :D Thankss(:

Enjoy! (:


Friday came faster than I could blink. The whole week was great, probably the best week I’ve had since Johanna died. Every day, I’d wake up and go to school, then hang out with my friends afterwards. It was amazing. Not only that, but tonight was a huge party; senior party, that only a selected amount of juniors where invited. Somehow, Gray us all into the party, because he’s dating a senior cheerleader, Brooke Sierra.

     Tomorrow is the day I’m moving in with my mom, so I’ve already started packing what little stuff I have so all I have to do tomorrow is load up my car and head to mom’s.

     School went by in a flash, with everyone talking about the party. Mary Jane and Carly couldn’t stop talking about how much they liked Addison, and wanted her to come along to our next group hangout. I’m glad they all like her, that’s a good sign.

     When I walked into the apartment, I saw Sam feeding Autumn a bottle. I walked over to the girls and planted a kiss on Autumn’s cheek, and said hello to Sam.

“How was school?” She asked me as she stood up to follow me into the kitchen.

“Fine, I guess. I finished my homework at lunch, so I don’t have to worry about that this weekend,” I told her as I grabbed an Oreo cookie out of its package.

“Good. So what do you want to do for dinner tonight?” Sam asked me as she looked down at Autumn who was nodding off to sleep.

“Actually, I was going to ask you if you could watch Autumn for me. I’ve got a party to go to,” I asked, biting into my cookie.

“Jason, I’ve watched her every night this week while you go do something different with friends each night,” She told me.

“Look, I’m sorry, but it’s a senior party. This may not happen again,” I told her, if she didn’t let me go, I’d be pissed.

“Fine. You go have fun. But I want you to understand, that for almost a month now, I’ve devoted my time to you and my niece. I’ve said no to dates, social plans, and friends. Jason, I’ve sacrificed a lot for you, and the least you can do is appreciate it,” Sam told me in a whiney voice.

“I’m sorry, Sam, I am. How about tomorrow I spend the day with you, or the morning, before I move in with mom. Okay?” I told her, trying to get her to cheer up.

“Alright. Now you go have fun,” She told me, which made me happy. I was going to have fun.

     I went into my room and put on a new pair of jeans and a white shirt. On top of the shirt, I put on a navy button up shirt, which I left unbuttoned. As for shoes, I just put on my black vans. When I was done, I brushed my teeth and said goodbye to Autumn and Sam.


     When I arrived at the party, I had Scott and Mary Jane in the back seat, I told Scott he could sit up front, but he wanted to sit in the back with MJ, not that I blame him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2011 ⏰

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