"When are you going to report him ma?" Will asks as his mom sits in her lounge chair.

She looks at him "there would be no case William" she says as shrugs on her over sized jacket.

"Now go get your brothers so we can head to the store and get back before it  starts raining." Grabbing her purse she slips her flip flops on and heads out of her room.

Hearing her oldest son gather up his siblings she opens the front door.

Shutting the door behind them she locks it, putting her purse onto her shoulder. She grabs her youngest sons hand as the walk out of the building.

Handing Will the keys she buckles Mark up.

"We get what we need and nothing else understand?" She says looking at her kids.

"Yep" Will says opening the door for his mother.

"Thank you baby" she says as she slowly gets in.

Will nods as he backs out of their spot. Waiting for the gate to open, will looks over at his mom to find her eyes closed.

He doesn't know what she's going to do next year when he's gone, she wouldn't let him stay home to help her out.

Sighing he drives to Food Lion, where there is News crews and people everywhere.

He parks waking his mom up from her nap.

"What's going on out there?" She asks getting Mark out of from his car seat.

"Mom what's for dinner?" Darmone asks his mother after they get into the building.

"Spaghetti" is all she says grabbing a cart she puts mark in the back and her purse with him.

"Will go get the noodle and the sauce. Darmone go get the Garlic bread, I'll get the rest" she tells her kids.

"Meet me at register 1 when your done" she tells them as they split up.

Walking down the can aisle she hears someone speaking on the other side.

"He's coming here to talk about world hunger and poverty" the lady says.

Grabbing cans of corn Tori puts them in the cart, along with some other canned goods.

"I bet he doesn't even care he just want to get into office so he can ruin everything"

Tori looks down at Mark who's playing on her phone.

"Don't call anyone Mark."  She says moving on to the meat aisle.

"Tori?" Someone says from behind her. Turning around she faces the person she didn't want to see.

"Bradley" she says with a smile. "How have you been" she asks but he's staring at her stomach.

"Mommy who's that?" Mark asks standing in the cart. Turning around to pick her son up she sets him on the floor.

"He's a old friend of mine say hi to Mr.Stillule" she says her hand on his head.

"Hi Mr.Stillule" he says waving.

Bradley bends down to Marks level and smiles. "Call me Bradley.. What's your name?" He asks as Will and Darmone comes walking up to them.

"I'm Mark and I'm Two" Mark says holding up two fingers. Bradley chuckles looking up at Tori. Who smiles down at her son.

"Well Mark it was nice meeting you" Bradley says standing back up to look at Tori.

"Who is he?" Darmone asks staring at Bradley.

"Your the guy who's running for the mayor spot aren't you?" Will asks giving his mom a look then looking back at Bradley.

"This is Will and Darmone my oldest sons" Tori says.

They shake hands with Bradley.

"It was nice meeting you all take care of your mother for me will you" Bradley says when his wife and daughter comes walking up to them.

"Daddy!!" His little girl says running up to him. Bending down to pick her up he turns back to Tori and her kids and smile.

"Meet Kaitlyn my daughter and Katy my wife" Bradley says looking back at the love of his life.

He always knew she wanted a lot of kids and he wished she would have had them with him.

"Nice to meet you" Katy says smiling at Tori as the shake heads.

"Oh my gosh your Pregnant!! When are you due?" Katy asks gushing over Tori's big belly.

"Next Month" Tori says as she sees Mark talking to Their daughter.

"How old is Kaitlyn?" Tori asks

"She's the same age as Mark" Bradley says

"We're having some Amazon food tonight you should come" Katy says as she writes down their address on a sheet of paper she grabbed out of her purse.

Tori smiles "I don't have a babysitter for Mark" she says rubbing her pregnant stomach.

"He can come to Kaitlyn is going to need company and it looks like they have a great connection." Katy says

"Sure" Tori says looking back at her sons who nods.

"Really!!" Katy jumps up and down.

"Really" Tori says laughin at how happy Katy is. She never seems like that on TV, always stiff and mean looking.

It should've been us (Being moved to my other account)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora