part 1

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We were just strangers at a party, dancing. Then all of a sudden, the music slows down and he puts his arms around my waist and I do the same around his neck. The song lasts forever and we enjoy every second that passes.

I rest my head on his shoulder and feel him near my ear. He whispers three words and I flutter away. He's so sweet. I even start to blush. Hopefully, I don't scare him away. It would be sad if I did. I love him too much.

He then pulls me out and then back in all at once and we kiss. It lasts forever and when we release the sparks fly. In minutes lights circle around us and every move we make it follows. I have blue and he has red and when they meet they make a gorgeous shade of violet. So lovely. I can't stand but make us touch always. Moments like this I forget everything else. My worries all fade away into nothing. I love the feeling so much that one step away from him I wouldn't be the same. So, he never leaves my side nor I with his. We are like mimes copying each other's every move until neither one of us can stand it no longer.

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