Part 3

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He ran for a while, but he always seems to manage to send me post cards or even text messages from his places. We were eighteen who happened to meet while dancing at a club. In the coming weeks and months I had the furred a room or two to my closest friends and demanded rent from each or at least groceries every once in a while.

Soon enough I had received a call from my mother that my cousins wedding was coming up this Saturday and I was invited. I had gotten a black dress with heels to match and done my hair in a bun. My hair was blonde so it was perfect for this occasion.

When Saturday arrived I pulled up my dress and slid on my heels. I did my hair in a bun and put my head band on. I then headed out and met my parents to go to the wedding. I never did meet my cousins soulmate, but I would today. I could dance and enjoy the night with my cousin and the bridesmaids and my sister who was the maid of honor.

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