Part 4

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The actual wedding part was amazing I sat close to the front and watched as my cousin walked up the aisle in her gorgeous dress. She had a veil on and a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Traditional wedding right.

The groom is standing there smiling along with his two grooms men and the best man. The preacher has his book in hand and is ready to go and then my sister calls me right before the wedding starts and tell me to get down here immediately. She does my hair as I slipped on a brides maid dress that apparently was my size.

One of the bride maids had felt ill and then got hurt and was unconscious, so I replaced her. The dress was as the same as the one as I was wearing except it had white on the bottom and was strapless with glitter all on the top.

My sister got to wear gold and we were in black and white. She teased my hair because she was a licensed hair dresser and sprayed loads of hair spray in it. I gagged while talking to her. Once it was time the grooms men met us in the room and walked us up. Maid of honor went first meaning my sister with the grooms best friend.

Then it was my other cousins turn and finally mine. The guy that walked me up was about my age and we went up the stairs and waited for a cue. We then walked up slow and then separated to go to either side.

Finally the bride looking stunning as ever walked up and met the eyes of her companion. He did the same and they both smiled at each other. It was so romantic. The ceremony soon begun and I looked at the crowd and then I noticed someone sitting in the front pew. He was here in his black suit with white tie and his brown hair handsome as ever.

I wondered why he was here. I wasn't mad it's just he isn't family. Then I turned around and watched as they kissed and put their rings on. They then ran outside to get photos taken and to throw the bouquet. It was really magical. I'm inched my way to the back of the crowd and started to walk away when something flew in my hands and I looked closely at seeing it was the bouquet. I ran away with it after wards and sat on the swing for dear life. He joined me when he saw me sitting alone.

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