road trip

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I was uncomfortable, I was not on my bed I opened my eyes to see places I did not recognize pass by I looked over and saw Damon driving with a smile.

"Morning sunshine "

"What's going on? How come I'm not in my room on my bed?" I looked out the window trying to see if i recognized anything.

" I thought we will take a lil road trip." Damon told me

"Road trip? I don't wanna go on any road trip." I exclaimed

"Well your on one."

"Damon we nee-" I stoped when the events of last night came back to me. " I was in an accident, my car. . . . it crashed and. I de -"

"Dead?" Damon finished my sentence "no,but I could understand why you'd mistake this for heaven." He winked at me.

"Then where the hell are we? !!!"


"Seriously Damon, I'm not in the mood for you to play games, I've been in a crash...I nearly got eaten alive by one of your buddies, I have a headache, tired plus hungry, so let's try this again where the hell are you taking me?"

"Seriously, we're in Georgia." I touch the back of my head, it was pounding bad "How are you feeling? You were pretty out of it last night, got your self in a right state." Is he really asking me this.

"Well i just got in a car crash, I'm peachy!!!" I snapped "ow my fuckin head is killing me."

"Nothing is broken I checked."

"Of course you did."

"Can you lose your attitude and have a good time?"

"Nope" I said popping the p "There was a man, I hit him but then he got back up and he. . . What was he? Friend of yours? " I asked him

"That's what I would like to know. " He responds back "and we don't all meet up together." I rolled my eyes and looked our the window.

"I don't recognize anything from here."

"Well have you been to Georgia before? "


"Well that's why you don't recognize any of it." Damon tells me.

"We cant be in Georgia."

" Well we are."

" Why did you bring me with you? I have to go back Damon, no one knows where I am, if they find my car.. there gonna be worried, I ne-"

"Can you relax " Damon cuts me off.

"Do you hear your self talking right now? No i will not relax!! Pull over Damon" he ignored me "Damon I swear if you don't pull over-"

"You will what? "

" I will jump out your fuckin car!"

"You won't do it?"

"You think I'm playing? " He nods his head yea I put my hand on the handle ready to open the door.

"You were so much fun when you were asleep." He groaned and pulled to the side of the road.  I opened my car door and stepped out. I doubled over in pain and let out a little moan I held on to the car to keep me up right, damon stepped out the car and was suddenly next to me, resting his hand on my lower back and supporting me up right. I jumped a lil at his sudden touch.

"I'm fine." I tried to move out his touch but again I lost my balance causing me to hold on to Damon's shirt."

" I thought you were fine?" He says with a smirk.

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