under control

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"Ugh yea." I called out.

"Amanda are you up?"

"No Elena I'm just sleep talking to myself. "

"No need to be a bitch about it."

"No need to be dumb about it."

"I will talk to you after school." Elena says then I hear her footsteps walking away

I tried to go to bed when I heard Jeremy mention uncle Johns name I hoped out if bed and ran downstairs.

"Uncle John what are you doing here?" I say.

"Good to see you again Amanda." John tells me

I didn't say nothing I just went into the kitchen with John behind me.

"So how are you? The last time I seen you was at your parents fu-'

"You mean my step parents" he face turned pale fast. " Well its good to see you John but I have things to do." I walked out the kitchen and back up stairs to my room.


"Elena what is so important?" I ask Elena as I meet her outside of the school.

"Look" She gave me a paper the title read fact of fiction about vampire's in mystic falls "I think Jeremy is remembering Amanda."

"Where did you get his paper? "

"Alaric gave it to me after school, Amanda what do we do?" Elena says as she runs her hand through her hair.

"Look we will talk to him and see just how much he knows."

"That's your plan?"

"Yes, now come on." I hoped in my car as Elena hopped in hers I followed her home.

"Hey guys." I said as me and Elena both entered the kitchen where John and Jeremy were.

Just then the door bell rings " I'll get it." Elena said in a happy tone

"John when are you leaving? " Jenna asks him as she enters the kitchen.

"How come she doesn't like you?" Jeremy asks John.

"Its very obvious Jerbear." I say as I grab a apple.

"What's obvious Amanda? " John asks me as Jenna is just watching us.

"To me it looks like there is some old history between you both." I say as I point to Jenna and John.

"Meaning?" Jeremy asks.

"We use to have sex." John says just then Jenna hits him in the head with an apple making me bust out laughing.

"I'm right here."

"Jenna your addicted to love." I say as I sing and dance out the kitchen as I was making my way upstairs I heard (thump) I stopped and heard it again it was coming from Elena's room.

I ran and opened her door I seen Elena on the bed she looked a lil scared I looked over and seen a broken book shelf and Stefan sitting on the floor.

"What happened? Elena are you okay?" I ran to her

"I have to go." Stefan says as he gets up from the ground and vampseeds out the window.

"Elena what happened?" I asked again.

"I dont know we were kiss-ing, and it was all okay, and then as he started kissing my neck all of a sudden he pulled back, and when I looked at him his eyes were blood shot Amanda you can see the hunger in his eyes. And he flung himself back into my bookshelf then you walked in."Elena started crying I hugged her.

the other Gilbert[Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now