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Sine finding out about being adopted I have been staying at the boarding house I can't face Jenna yet.

Bring,bring, bring

"Yea Elena."

Come over tonight me and Stefan wanna talk to you."

"Who's going to be home?"

"Well just Jeremy, Stefan and I, plz Amanda we miss you."

"Fine be right over."

I hung up the phone got out of bed grabbed the car keys and walked downstairs out the front door to my temporary car I got in and drove to the Gilbert house.

" Do you remember anything at all about the man? " Stefan questioned me.

I shrugged, "No, I didn't see his face..... although he was wearing a black hoodie and had some boots. Does that help?"

"Not really."

"Figures. " I say while I eat my chips.

Me and Elena saw stefan pull out this wooden box "What's that? " Elena asks

"This box contains vervain jewelry, to give to your family and some friends."

I furrowed my brows " show us." I tell him.

He opened the box up I looked inside and I seen there were different necklaces and bracelets and even a plant.

"I made this for Jeremy." Stefan said handing Elena a black bracelet.

She looked down at it with an amused expression." And the others you can give to your friends, or the plant can be put in food and drinks."

" So much to remember." I say

"If it's on you in any way possible. A vampire can't compelle you." Stefan says.

"Amanda I need the money for the pizza!!" Jeremy yells from downstairs.

"Pizza? Since when do you like pizz?" Elena asks me

"What are you the pizza police?" I snapped at her I ran downstairs hearing Stefan laughing.

I approached the man standing near the door with a smile, I handed him the money for the pizza "Keep the change."

"Thanks." He muttered with a sly smile "and you have your self a good night."

I nodded as he backed himself out the door to leave, i shut the door behind him, I Turned around and faced Jeremy. "How come you couldn't bye the pizz?"

"Why would I bye my pizza when you are gonna eat half of it." Jeremy tells

"Shut up, come on let's eat." Me and Jeremy walk into the kitchen and started to eat.


"Elena do I have to go with you?"

"Yes Amanda now come on." We were walking around the school looking for Caroline.

"Look Elena there she is." I pointed to the lunch tables.

"Elena you better remove your grip from my arm." She glares at me and still drags me.

"Its so pretty." Caroline says as she admired the necklace that Elena gave her "thank you."

"Dont mention it." Elena says

"It will with everything." She says," What's the occasion."

"Nothing, just thought I will give you a friend necklace. " Elena says I am just looking at both of them.

"Lesbian friend gift?" I chocked on my water.

"Damn Elena  I didn't think  you were that freaky." She elbows me in the chest "ow, that hurt."

"Why are you being so mushy?" Caroline says breaking mine and Lenas fighting.

"I dont know just felt like it, don't you like it?" Elena asks.

"No i love it."Caroline says

"Well bye." I got up and left the table before Lena could grab me.


I was walking out the grill when my phone went off.


"Hello Amanda. " a guy voice said. One I did not recognize.

"Hey who's this?"

"You hit me with your car." He says that made my stomach flip.

"Is that a new one? " He says at first i was confused then I noticed I was standing in front of my new car.

I started looking for him and I seen a man come up the stairs from the tunnel he was wearing the same clothes.

"You got away from me. . You won't next time." He says while walking towards me. I scrambled with the keys and opened the car door.

I put the key in the ignition.. I turned my key and started the car , I pressed my foot on the gas and peeled and peeled out the parking lot checking my mirror to see if he was following me.
"Damon, Stefan!!!!" I yelled as I entered there house.

"Amanda what's wrong?" Stefan tells me I run up to him and jump in his arms hugging him.

"What happened? Why are you shaking?" I pulled away from Stefan and sat on the couch.

"He called me Stefan." Stefan stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me

"Who Amanda?"

"The Vampire he called, what does he want with me? If he is gonna kill me why call first."

"If cause were predators, we like to stalk our prey." I got the chills just thinking about the Vampire.

Stefan gave me Jeremy's pocket watch it turns out that the watch is really a vampire tracker and if there is a vampire it will spin like crazy.

He said it will keep me and Elena both safe at anytime that compass spins call Damon or him.


"Amanda I called the insurance company cars totaled, keep driving the rental car for now" Jenna says from the living room.

I turned and seen her dress up for the 50'sdance..... why is she going to the school dance?

"I see you gonna be at the dance?"

"Alaric asked me to help."

"Jenna why didn't you tell us?"

"Your mom was going to do it eventually, I never thought I would have to."

"If my mom was here she would tell us the freaking truth." I  told her with a lil bit of  anger.

"Your dad was leaving the office this one night. . . This girl showed up, she was sixteen a runaway and about to give birth, he delivered her babies and gave her a place to stay but a few days later she dissapeared. And there you and Elena were." I was just looking at Jenna so many things going on in my head.

"Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby, but it just wasn't happening, all Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom, and when she saw both of you girls she knew she couldn't choose so she took you both."

"Why was my parents name on the birth certificates? " I ask.

"Your dad was a doctor,Amanda, he took care of it, they didn't want to loose you or your sister so they took care of it. Quite told as few people as possible, and if anyone ever wanted proof they had documentation. "Jenna says.

"That's all? Do you remember anything at her?" I say

"No just her name  Isobel.Jenna says

I nod my head and walked  away from her I needed to get ready for the school dance

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