Chapter 8: Like a Bat Out Of Hell

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Chapter 8: Like a Bat Out Of Hell

Twinkle? Twinkle, jingle, ringaling?

Peter didn't respond. He didn't move. He hadn't for days. He just lay there, frozen in the flowers.

Tinkerbell tried again.

Twinkle? Twinkle, jingle, ringaling? Twinkle? Twinkle? TWINkle?!

Peter opened his eyes. Tears bled from the obsidian insides.

"I'm going to kill him."

Tinkerbell darted back. Twinkle?

Peter lifted. Translucent, lavender petals clung to his body as he ascended into the sky. Tinkerbell flittered and jingled at him, but Peter walked through the pixie like an arrow in flight. Expression bent in anger and chest heaving in pain, Peter flew over Neverland.

He found Captain Hook's ship. Coals burned behind his eyes.

"Hook killed Wendy. He killed my girl."

Peter's dagger rung from its sheath. Tinkerbell recoiled as Peter growled, monsters in his throat.

"I'm going to kill him."

Peter flew. A hole burned through the air as he descended upon the Jolly Roger. The pirates countered the attack, spraying Peter with cannon fire and setting the ocean aflame.

But Peter fought with the advantage of having nothing to lose. Hopelessness gave him the upper hand, and despair was his secret weapon. Peter hacked until his hands were black with pirate blood. Remains he threw overboard, to be swallowed by the crocodile of Glutton or nibbled by the mermaids of Lust.

The ocean filled thick with pieces of pirates. Smoke tumbled into the sky. Peter lifted his chin. Heat flowed over his face, pulling tears over his pointed ears.

"I promised." Peter stared helplessly through the carnage, almost praying that someone would answer. "I promised to keep you safe."

Tinkerbell watched smoke and fire sift over Peter. He lingered there, hanging over The Jolly Roger like a bat out of Hell.

All for Wendy.

Tinkerbell spat. She could feel her birthmark, an upright infinity knot crossed with double 'x's', burning on her lower back. Glowing red as the flames, she flicked into the night.

Tinkerbell was a pixie. Pixies are so small they can withstand only a teaspoon of emotion, which roughly equates to one emotion at one time. Since Tinkerbell was a sinner on Envy, she spent most of her time being envious. Envious for Peter Pan.

Captain Hook would disagree, but Peter Pan was a fine subject of envy. Fine indeed. His smile was irresistible, his confidence magnetic, as his elfin features bizarrely charming.

Although Neverland was also inhabited by Indians, Peter was king. Both sects were sinners of Pride, but Pride of different flavors. The Indians' Pride grew from deep-rooted ancestry, which made the tribe haughty, secluded, and aloof.

Peter's Pride was different. Peter's Pride came from one belief: he was the cleverest. Nothing scared Peter, therefore nothing got in his way.

Until he met that Wendy.

Tinkerbell's birthmark stung. Flying hard, Tinkerbell grabbed her lower back. The Envy birthmark was malicious as the vice itself. The 'x's' within the infinity knots signified evil eyes and they stung when the emotion was strong.

Tinkerbell's birthmark stung the moment Wendy arrived in Neverland, and the feeling intensified every second she remained. Tinkerbell had no idea where Peter found her, how he convinced her to stay, or why he adored the girl, but one thing was perfectly clear to the little pixie: Wendy had to go. More appropriately, Wendy had to die.

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