Chapter 10: Sarah. Her Name is Sarah.

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Chapter 10: Sarah. Her Name is Sarah.

Jim had to give her credit. It was a flawless escape. And the girl was faster than she looked.


Jim thundered after the girl. Branches scratched his cheeks as he blew over roots and under trees. The chased closed quickly as Jim gained distance. Pumping his arms and flying the last steps, Jim grabbed the girl's dress-

"What the - ?"

An animal darted across Jim's path. Jim skid but the animal blurred between his legs. Tripping, he whacked into a trunk.

"Damn it!" Jim kicked as the animal attacked. Fleetingly he saw golden eyes and a shaggy, grey snout before they smashed into his boot.

The animal yapped. Scrambling on all fours, Jim tore after the girl. The brush cracked behind him as animal sprinted for his heels -

Jim yelled. Heart in his ears he lunged at the girl as the animal pounced on his back. " Holy - "

The forest broke. Jim slammed into the girl as an enormous carriage crashed through the trees, nearly running her over. As the carriage screeched to a halt, Jim climbed over the girl as she tried to roll away.

"Stay still!" The animal had vanished but the girl had extracted her claws and was scratching Jim to pieces. Furiously she fought, still trying to escape.

Jim sat on the girl's chest.

"I said!" Jim ripped the bow from her hair. Nearly tipping with the strain he wound the ribbon around her wrists. "STAY STILL!"

"Jim? Jim? Jim Hawkins?"

Passengers were exiting the carriage. Some appeared more to be escaping the carriage, what with their green faces and upset stomachs, except for a young man with dark features, brilliant white teeth, and also with a girl slung over his shoulder.

The young man waved.

"Hey! Jim! Jim Hawkins!"

Jim peered. He tightened his knees, keeping the girl in place. "Aladdin?"

"Jim!" Aladdin hopped from the carriage. Girl balanced on his shoulder he wove through the passengers for Jim.

Jim finished tying the knots.

"Nice try." he told the girl. "But your ass is so pressed. Don't ever run away like that again or I'll sell you to Mr. Sun God instead of Captain Hook. Hear me?"

She answered with a lethal glare. As Jim hoisted her over his shoulder he heard a little growl.

"So long as you don't bite..." he muttered as Aladdin extended a hand. "And once again, keep your mouth shut. Aladdin! Thought you were in the cult. What'r you doing down here?"

Aladdin and Jim shook. Politely they angled so their female captives wouldn't bump legs.

"Good to see you too." Aladdin said. "And surprised. Kayley said something about you two conning Gaston at the Ugly Duckling."

Inwardly Jim grimaced. He'd forgotten about their plot to drug Gaston and win the arm wrestling match.


"Oops is right." said Aladdin. "Kayley lost all her money. But so did the rest of the Cult, so she's no worse off right?"

Jim adjusted the girl. "What?"

"Oh yeah." Aladdin mimicked his motion. The girl on his shoulder fidgeted. "Oh yeah I forgot you weren't there. Oh man Jim it was bad. See - apparently The Horned King cursed all of our gold into dust."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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