My BEST friend since 7th grade!

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So I'm gonna be honest, I have A LOT of Best friends. But this chapter is about my best friend since 7th grade.
So with her I'm confused, because I'm not sure if she's a moonwalker or not. But I'm gonna go with not because she only likes MJ for 'FIVE THINGS'.
One: His Butt.
Two: His Smile
Three: His Hair
Four: His Looks AND
Five: His Song 'You Rock My World.'
If she were a moonwalker she'd like him for more than five things. If your a moonwalker you love EVERYTHING. I don't even think she's a fan she only likes him for that one song. If your a fan you don't just like one song out of all the good songs that he has. She's a fan of Swae Lee the rapper. And I know that because every time I go to her house she plays his music and instead of having a conversation with me like normal BEST friends do she's on her phone with her ear phones in jamming to Swae Lee. She listens to him so much that I can't Evan stand his songs anymore, and then she plays the same songs over and over. Its annoying. I seriously need a brake from all of my best friends because obviously none of them are moonwalkers.

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