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So today I'm gonna talk about BS.
And the BS is the information I saw on my social media saying something about Michael having a secret room to moleste kids. First of all who the hell said that? And second why? Tbh I don't believe that shit at all. And for those of you who brought Macaulay Culkin in this "FUCK YOU!! Ok fuck you. He did not moleste Culkin and Culkin has said it his self. I really believe that they set this up. And also i believe that Michael's doctor killed him i never liked that guy but it just doesnt add up. He was about to do the this is it tour and then he died but the damn doctor was there. Wtf does that mean. I believe that they set that up too. Because if you pay attention every celebrity who has a message in their music dies eventually and each one of them has made an album or song before they died that seened like they knew they were going to.
For example Tupac and Biggie.
I'm pretty sure they had something come out that seemed like they knew they were gonna die. I'm not exactly sure on Biggie but Tupac i know had one and he had messages in his music. Then there's Michael Jackson. He definitely had messages in his music.

Why you wanna trip on me
Tabloid Junkie
Man in the mirror
And so much more but havent you noticed that they all died before they could achieve their goals. This had to be planned.

And the last thing i need to get off my chest is this color thing with Michael. If you are cool with him black and white then I'm not talking to you. And if you are white i mean no harm but if you have no problem with blacks then This does not concern you so do not send me comments about how we dont do This and we dont do that or Thats not true. If yiu dont do any of it then
It- does- not - concern - you.
This is about to get deep and if you get offended then I'm sorry but it is what it is.
So Michael Jackson was black. B- l- a - c- k. Black. Yes he tured white but it was a skin disease. Look it up. I do not appreciate that we as blacks are excluded from shit. And its all because of the color if our skin. Because I'm darker. What kind of BS is that? I love white people please don't get it twisted but the ones who've got a problem with my race, i cant stand you. If you guys dont like us so much why did you bring us here? Oh yea. Thats right because you were lazy. You were to lazy to do your own work but if yiu dislike us so much you should have left us where we were but you brought us here. And you know what that means? We are to be included in things just as much as you. We are human just like you. We walk, talk,and look just like you. The only difference is that were darker. And you can't stand that some of the famous black celebrities are speaking out. Examples-
Jesse Williams
Kendrick Lamar

You hate that they speak out and you dont wanna believe that you have control over the world right next to china. The world was made for whites. Blacks and others are just tryin to fit in. And best believe we will rise it may not be today or tomorrow or twenty years from now but blacks along with a few other races will unite and rise as one. And you can hate it all you want. I'm just stating the facts. ✌

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