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So how about my first and third period is chorus but i don't care because music is my life and i love singing BUT in my class the students don't like to participate its only like five to seven people who do and its like twenty or thirty something kids in the class.

But thats not the point. The point is somehow the chorus teacher and some students ended up talking about Michael and. My teacher said he's the KING OF POP. And one of the girls she was talking to was like so.

Wtf do you mean so he was the KING OF POP for a reason. He's better than any entertainer ever known to man and no matter how much you try to deny it you know its true.
You don't so a LENGEND.
i honestly dislike my school because its literally filled with non- moonwalkers and the only moonwalker friend that i had graduated last year and im only in tenth grade. Im by myself stuck in the middle of a school full of non-moonwalkers. And being in a school where your the only moonwalker is nerve wrecking. So im begging you guys to help me.
I need a moonwalking friend right now. 

Non- Moonwalkers These days!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon